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Circuit City


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You work at Circuit City, get the fuck over it. It's a dime a dozen, meaningless job. How about you take it as a good kick in the ass and do something with yourself? Or you could just walk next door to McDonalds and make the same money. :monkey:

who the fuck cares. go get another job asshole.....stop complaining because you're lazy and don't want to apply at Fry's, Best Buy, or Taco Bell.

I hope these weren't directed towards me, cause I really give a shit less than you I have 2 other jobs

the reason I posted the article is because, coming from that company, I found this to be a good article about what went on during liquidation. I'm not on here to bitch and moan about how I lost my job, I DON'T CARE

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I doubt the management jobs are a dime a dozen.

Yeah, faceless, corperate giant retail stores are hard to come by. Man, if I could only get a 'management job' at one of those places I would be all set!

48k and laughable benefits are not worth having to live in retail hell.

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H: "But the sign says 30% outside?"

M: "Up to 30%, laptops are still 10%"

H: "Oh, is it true you guys are going out of business?"

M: "Yes man"

H: "Wow, you guys have been around for ever

M: "Yeah, #2 consumer electronics retail store and we're forced to close our doors because the economy failed us and now 34,000 employees are without jobs, all because people didn't wanna go out and spend money to we could keep operating."

Right, just like the economy failed the Wherehouse and K-Mart. He said #2 consumer electronics retail store... didn't mention that #1 was kicking their ass up and down the street for the last half dozen years plus.

At least they aren't getting a government bailout to support their bad management philosophy.

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I hope these weren't directed towards me, cause I really give a shit less than you I have 2 other jobs

the reason I posted the article is because, coming from that company, I found this to be a good article about what went on during liquidation. I'm not on here to bitch and moan about how I lost my job, I DON'T CARE

no, not at you. you didn't write the article. the dumb high school dropout asshole wrote it.

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I doubt the management jobs are a dime a dozen.

Assistant managers at my store (i worked there for 3 years, 2004-2007) made 45K + about 20 in bonuses. I think the store manager made like 65K +35 in bonuses. Thats certainly not a bad living...

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it's not like finding a job is easy right now though. i'm extremely lucky i got to keep my job through 3 months of not working due to injury. een finding a shitty job is hard with the economy how it is right now. i'm just glad i'm going to college next year and am not going to be looking for a job.

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