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Won't Start

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So I get a call at 9:30pm, and I need to run down to the office. Call it Murphy's law, I guess... shtuff will go wrong at just the "right" time. Anyway.

It cranks for a while, acts as if it will start, but fizzles out. One of the times, I kept cranking the engine, and it caught, but it was rough. Not exactly like it was missing on a cylinder, but more like cutting out: a split second of sort of normal idling, pause, repeat. Try to give it gas, but it died after probably two seconds.

It is EXTREMELY foggy and humid and warm (well, it's 34F - but that's really warm compared to recent temps) tonight. Wonder if this has anything to so with it.

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basics first.


check fuel pressure.

check spark.

check plugs.

when was the fuel filter replaced?? my cousins 98 s70 did the same thing. cranks but not start. replaced the fuel filter which had 140k on it and now its fine or at leaast when i left. gonna try it when i get to jersey this weekend...

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when was the fuel filter replaced?? my cousins 98 s70 did the same thing. cranks but not start. replaced the fuel filter which had 140k on it and now its fine or at leaast when i left. gonna try it when i get to jersey this weekend...

Update. I was able to start it -wasn't easy - and actually made it to the garage. Check engine light is on, and it felt rough... never experienced a cylinder missing on a 5-cylinder engine, so I can't really say it's that same feeling.

A couple of times it wanted to die, put her in neutral and pumped the gas, and that helped.

On a couple of occasions I could feel serious power loss. Giving it gas, but no pickup.

Got there, parked her, tried to start her again but no go.

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The fuel filter is easy and cheap to replace. Start there. My guess based on a similar situation i had is that your MAF is bad. But might as well try the fuel filter. Its easy enough and should probably be done anyway.

If you have someone in your area with a running 5cly try switching MAFs. I am willing to bet thats your issue

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if you want to check MAF, unplug it and then start the car, if it sounds better than it did before, you'll know what to replace.

Yup, I had the same issue once. MAF died on me out in the middle of nowhere. Pulled the plug to the sensor and kept driving until I could get a new one <_<

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