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Side Exit 850


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1. Thats not true.

2. Watch the videos, he was driving like a douche

1. I guess it depends on where you live. Unless you have more than an ounce or so they honestly don't care here. I've heard that they aren't so nice in the NE though.

2. Yeah I didn't watch the vids...

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OMFG he drove while HIGH. Did you know that crazed marijuana addicts have no sense of speed? When 80 miles an hour seems to be only 20 they often leave a fatal trail of accidents in their wake. -- It's gotta be true since I read on a goverment sponsered anti-narcotic poster.

There have been many studies, government sponsored and not, that have conclusively proven that driving while high makes you a safer driver. You are more aware of your surrondings, more defensive and not to mention you drive a lot slower. I'm not neccisarily condoning driving while high, but its not a big poking deal. Its not like he was wasted, tripping or zonked on some opiod. Calm the monkey down; The majority of cops don't even care if you're high while driving unless you're being a douche. BTW, pole doesn't ruin peoples lives, there are many many many succesful people who smoke pole on a regular basis.

ok, let me start off by saying you're dumb

next, show me some studies that are not from wikipedia or hightimes

also, can you go down to your nearest police station and ask all of them if they would care if you were high, and then tell them you are going to go driving.

i doubt things will play out in REAL LIFE as they would in your deluded little mind

oh and what happens when you are more "aware of your surroundings"?

well, you see something interesting on the side of the road, you stare at it until you are in the other lane, but your reaction time is too slow to correct anything

so you end up driving into someone coming towards you in the opposite lane

i live in an area where it is heavily populated by rich people who's kids who have nothing better to do and nothing more exciting than getting high.

and that exact scenario i've just played out for you has happened 3 times that i know of in the past 2 years, and no the pole wasn't laced with anything

and since you seem to do your research on the legalities and loopholes of everything, you should know what "middy's" are

people that stick up for things that are wrong are, in your case, dumb

and when you say "successful" do you mean in a monetary standpoint? yea that's kind of a no brainer lol, you can sell drugs and smoke pole and be successful monetarily wise

but how successful are you going to be, say in a legitimate job? or perhaps in your children's eyes?

people who use pole, and other things you can use to escape from reality are for people who can't accept reality in the first place

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ok, let me start off by saying you're dumb

next, show me some studies that are not from wikipedia or hightimes

also, can you go down to your nearest police station and ask all of them if they would care if you were high, and then tell them you are going to go driving.

i doubt things will play out in REAL LIFE as they would in your deluded little mind

oh and what happens when you are more "aware of your surroundings"?

well, you see something interesting on the side of the road, you stare at it until you are in the other lane, but your reaction time is too slow to correct anything

so you end up driving into someone coming towards you in the opposite lane

i live in an area where it is heavily populated by rich people who's kids who have nothing better to do and nothing more exciting than getting high.

and that exact scenario i've just played out for you has happened 3 times that i know of in the past 2 years, and no the weed wasn't laced with anything

and since you seem to do your research on the legalities and loopholes of everything, you should know what "middy's" are

people that stick up for things that are wrong are, in your case, dumb

and when you say "successful" do you mean in a monetary standpoint? yea that's kind of a no brainer lol, you can sell drugs and smoke weed and be successful monetarily wise

but how successful are you going to be, say in a legitimate job? or perhaps in your children's eyes?

people who use weed, and other things you can use to escape from reality are for people who can't accept reality in the first place

those wrecks you are talking about were probably because they were drunk and high, but its gotta be the drugs!!! ;)

there was a car episode..not top gear. i think this is the one


but there is a good point, there are people that i know that can drive drunk very well and then others cant drive worth shit in the first place let alone drive while drunk.

the same thing goes into play with marajuana with potency, your chemical makup as a person etc.

my roommate and I talked about this a few weeks ago. I consider myself a very good driver so does he, we check our mirrors and pretty much know where all cars are around our car at all times and constantly have ideas going through our mind if something happened. lets say im drunk while driving and offset my good driving skills to being drunk and wallah! im an O.K driver lol. its a pretty shitty way of trying to determine something but its really true. haha flame me away im waiting for it...

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Shame the vids are so shitty. The narrator reminds me of Sean Penn in "Fastimes @ Ridgemont High" :D

Drinking or drugs impair your reaction times & overall awareness while driving, end of story.

Anyone drinking (or drugging) while driving will ALWAYS claim they drive better, can't think of one such person I know who hasn't rationalized it away like that.

The laws in NYS are a lot tougher than they were when I was a young adult back in the 80's, with good reason.

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those wrecks you are talking about were probably because they were drunk and high, but its gotta be the drugs!!! ;)

there was a car episode..not top gear. i think this is the one


but there is a good point, there are people that i know that can drive drunk very well and then others cant drive worth stuff in the first place let alone drive while drunk.

the same thing goes into play with marajuana with potency, your chemical makup as a person etc.

my roommate and I talked about this a few weeks ago. I consider myself a very good driver so does he, we check our mirrors and pretty much know where all cars are around our car at all times and constantly have ideas going through our mind if something happened. lets say im drunk while driving and offset my good driving skills to being drunk and wallah! im an O.K driver lol. its a pretty shitty way of trying to determine something but its really true. haha flame me away im waiting for it...

i'm not going to flame you for this, i mean obviously it's stupid to drive while impaired anyway you slice it

if someone wants to drive your car while they are high are you going to let them? if yes... that sucks lol

and nope, just high

around here, as with many other places, pole is just as easy if not easier to get than booze

i mean, at least you aren't a d-bag about making your points lol, so i give you credit

although you don't make the best points you could have, per say ha

and getting back to the point,

side exit is stupid because now there is an exhaust exit in your rear bumper that isn't filled by anything

maybe if 850's didn't have that, it'd be ok, but it doesn't sound any different than my stock exhaust

at least in the videos you have

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Holy crap guys, I admitted to smoking a joint whilst working on the car, and afterwards, but when I was driving, it was at least four hours later (I painted it black, had to let it get tacky), I was burnt out :lol: Thanks for the suspension.

I am not one to condone driving while high, yes I smoke pot everyday, but it is not before or while i'm driving. I have done it in the past, and is the reason why I do not do it now, and to contridict lookforjoe, it does slow reaction times, but at the same time, you are more observant of your sourroundings, but that plays into reaction times. I am in Canada, and unlike the states, they are not nazi's about pot. Its a recreational drug, that most non-users will say is a gateway drug, but in all actuality the mentality of users, it is their desire for something stronger that leads them there, not the pot saying "do heroine".

As for comparing pot to alcahol, there is no comparison. I have been heavily impared by both, but when I am under the influence of "pole", the most I want to do is watch tv and eat some cookies, and possibly get my arse off the couch to walk to get a slushie. When I'm drunk, I want to break shat, piss in the middle of the main street and get a ticket, throw a fridge out the second story apt, ride bikes into tree's, get attacked by a badger and so on. Completly different trips, both just as potent as the next. Everyone that says pot is soo bad, but they get hammered, and are complete hippocrites to me, along with coffe drinkers, smokers, cough medicine addicts, perk heads, glue eaters, tide drinkers and gas huffers, all alter your state of mind.

Sorry for the vented post, but I simply wanted to post the side exit and hear your comments on that. Thanks for all that did, sorry the vid quality is shat. I have scraped the muff two times, both on the speed bump at the local beer store, but it is holding up awsome. My buddy with the 855 put a cherrybomb glasspack, with a 2.25in side exit, I will take a better vid and post it if you guys are interested in cheap exhaust systems.


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Here is why every thread on VS that mentions weed turns into a debate:

1) someone makes a post or a thread that mentions weed in the slightest bit (See Post #5)

2) everyone who dosent smoke weed goes "OMFG HE MENTIONED WEED EVERYONE LETS POINT AND FREAK OUT" (See Posts #7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21 etc...)

3) person feels the need to defend everyone that is attacking him (See Post #28)

4) debate ensues (See posts #31 on)

4) I get suspended and mods give high fives and commence grab assing

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