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Homophobe. :D

You're as bad as half the student's I teach. A car cannot be "Gay", nor can any work done to the car be "Gay".

"Gay" these days refers to a lifestyle as much as sexual orientation.

Being intolerant of gays is no better than being a racist.

..but that's not really what you meant, is it? :rolleyes:

what if you painted a dolphin giving butt sex to a rainbow? that's be pretty gay...

my uncle is gay and he's the most laid back, carefree, happy guy i know

i don't see whats bad about that

being gay to a gay person is just like being straight to a straight person

picture how everything is now, just flipped backwards...

everyone is gay, and they are telling you that you are disgusting for being straight, and that the "bible" says it's wrong

(god knows no one can make their own rational decisions with out that man, not god, written marvel)

anyway, obviously you feel like what you are doing is right, and you cannot help but be attracted to women

don't forget this is the hypothetical situation where everything is backwards

it's easier to think of someone else's situation when you are put into a situation like this, even if it is hypothetical

your uncle probably smokes pot

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what if you painted a dolphin giving butt sex to a rainbow? that's be pretty gay...

What if you painted two unicorns that were phalafeling in the rear (both boys), while on top of a pull me over red 855 with a side exit cherrybomb glasspack, to blend into the sourroundings in the valley. That, then wouldn't be homosexual, so what's your point phil. I'm pretty sure I saw a dolphin figurine where your obd2 cover should be. Are you getting ideas?


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Man gotta love the pole bashers, to me everytime I see someone who is so disgusted with pole is just one of those kids from high school. I'm not going to say anything else if you know what i'm talking about then you get it.

People that are so against pole typically don't have a real argument about why its so bad, but rather that its illegal, if everyone who was against pole just smoked a fat J this planet would be in a better place.

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What if you painted two unicorns that were phalafeling in the rear (both boys), while on top of a pull me over red 855 with a side exit cherrybomb glasspack, to blend into the sourroundings in the valley. That, then wouldn't be homosexual, so what's your point phil. I'm pretty sure I saw a dolphin figurine where your obd2 cover should be. Are you getting ideas?


I'm pretty sure you're asking to get glasspacked in the rear by a unicorn

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People that are so against weed typically don't have a real argument about why its so bad, but rather that its illegal, if everyone who was against weed just smoked a fat J this planet would be in a better place.

You sir are retarded. Let me clarify that your statement is retarded.

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You sir are retarded. Let me clarify that your statement is retarded.

Halfly It was a joke obviously thats a retarded statement but if you took out of that sentence, the humor it was intended for, then you sir are the retarded one :D good day.

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Halfly It was a joke obviously thats a retarded statement but if you took out of that sentence, the humor it was intended for, then you sir are the retarded one :D good day.


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Halfly It was a joke obviously thats a retarded statement but if you took out of that sentence, the humor it was intended for, then you sir are the retarded one :D good day.

LOLWUT? Are you high now?

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