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I Can't Find New Roof Trim (w/o Rails) Anywhere!


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Wow, I feel like a noob all over again, what with a V70R and all now, I can shift between 98 & 99 forums.

Here's the thing. Black 855R has euro rails. Red V70R doesn't. I'm selling the black one, but have a rack, roof box and other crap I will continue to use, so I pulled the rails off to put on the V. Then obviously discovered the gaping holes in the roof trim left by the rail mounts. I suppose I could just swap trims, but the 850 trim is faded and cracked and will look like total crap on the V which is really clean.

I can't find new trim anywhere, tried the usuals: IPD, FCP, went through the vendor list on the VS discount page, ebay, search FS forum, searched this forum, found someone who asked a similar question, they were told to check the wagons only thread, I surfed all 15 pages of that, still no answers.

I suppose I could call the dealer, but they'll probably want half the value of the car. I did see several people selling their roof trim FOR roof rails, so maybe my best bet is to swap trims for now, then replace the trim w/rails on the V later on?

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Saturday I swapped roof trims, so the V70 now has euro rails, and the 850 basically got new roof trim. Now I'll just keep my eye open for the pieces that fit up the windshield, because that's what's cracked. Once I had a piece off and saw how the trim is fastened, it was actually a really easy swap.

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