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The difference is, I'm not saying "aint nobodies gots dis yo, my shit is hott and you cants be touchin it! dis is how we doos down in da TX!" ;)

Without Aaron's hard work and ingenuity, none of us in TX would have the cars we have. It all pretty much comes down to him willing to experiment without limits until he gets something right...he's a perfectionist...i've seen the guy work, and it's disturbing how many ideas he comes up with just by looking at something he doessn't like about a design...and not just on Volvo's...the only other guy I can really compare him to is Charles....as far as DIY creativity.

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i'm not jumping on greg's nuts because he's a douche but last time i checked...

no one rolling his coilovers

no one rolling his wheels

FEW people rolling on the street as low as his

one of the first to run a CDA

i'm sure there's more but whatever

...the "OG's" are just quieter is all...

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i'm not jumping on greg's nuts because he's a douche but last time i checked...

no one rolling his coilovers

no one rolling his wheels

FEW people rolling on the street as low as his

one of the first to run a CDA

i'm sure there's more but whatever

...the "OG's" are just quieter is all...

I agree :D

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So to be impressive, I gotta get Jag wheel's (I still find them hot, but they're still just jag wheels) and sit hella low ("balla status" according to the vortex world)so I can ride lower then my KW V2's will let me and find out if my rims and suspension are tougher then Houston pot holes to be "impressive". :lol: it's all good, I'm happy with my set up and if it's douchy to do things nobody else wants to and be happy about it, then guess what, you guys can suck it ;) and I mean that in the most "you can't be touching my ganstaness cuz I'm da baddest shizzle around", way possible :P

And being OG is all fine and dandy, but sitting in the background and not helping to grow the scene, instead sitting around and clowning on anyone who is going to spend the time and money to do things and at least attempt to share their knowledge about what all the "OG's" said you couldn't do for years before, is weak. Cuz if anyone has paid attention, none of us have sat here and told anybody they can't do what we've done. We've gone and laid everything out so that other people can do it too. That's why there's 5 people calling me and Aaron asking us for information on doing the R swap and last I checked 3 had motors in hand, or driving from Florida and Washington themselves to let Aaron do it for them. Or how many 5spd/6spd R's are there now? Yea we're totally hogging the hottest shit around and hoarding it for ourselves ;)

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So to be impressive, I gotta get Jag wheel's (I still find them hot, but they're still just jag wheels) and sit hella low ("balla status" according to the vortex world)so I can ride lower then my KW V2's will let me and find out if my rims and suspension are tougher then Houston pot holes to be "impressive". :lol: it's all good, I'm happy with my set up and if it's douchy to do things nobody else wants to and be happy about it, then guess what, you guys can suck it ;) and I mean that in the most "you can't be touching my ganstaness cuz I'm da baddest shizzle around", way possible :P

And being OG is all fine and dandy, but sitting in the background and not helping to grow the scene, instead sitting around and clowning on anyone who is going to spend the time and money to do things and at least attempt to share their knowledge about what all the "OG's" said you couldn't do for years before, is weak. Cuz if anyone has paid attention, none of us have sat here and told anybody they can't do what we've done. We've gone and laid everything out so that other people can do it too. That's why there's 5 people calling me and Aaron asking us for information on doing the R swap or driving from Florida and Washington themselves to let Aaron do it for them. Or how many 5spd/6spd R's are there now? Yea we're totally hogging the hottest shit around and hoarding it for ourselves ;)

Once again, reading comprehension fails you. :wub:

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Lol where'd I fail greg, isn't that pretty much what you were getting at and Travis trying to reiterate? If I was wrong in my assumptions I'll take it back, just show me where I was wrong ;):wub:

That's not the point I was making at all. I just stated I found it funny that you guys from TX keep talking about how nobody else has this and that. That's cool and all, but if you're going to brag, make it something super impressive. Ok, Nick has a M66 swapped into his R, that's cool... He's got a bbk with "VOLVO" covering the entire caliper with a ghosted R, that's cool, I guess.

I never said my car was impressive, and I never said I've got this and that, and no one else does. Travis said that. I never said my car was the staple of impressiveness to which all other cars must be compared. If that were true, then we would truely be a sad bunch. My car has oil all over the engine bay, and a huge door ding in the fender from a douche in a parking lot (that was completely full and I had no other choice but to park where I did). My car is far from impressive, IMO. :wub:

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I just stated I found it funny that you guys from TX keep talking about how nobody else has this and that.

I really agree. I was writing a reply that basically said exactly that. It is funny to me as well.

And yes, it is "cool" that those guys have that stuff, but it's like soliciting a dick measuring contest on the freakin internet. "Hey all, I know we don't know each other in real life, but well, um, so this is how long my dick is. Just throwing it out there!"

I am all for the open exchange of information, in fact I hope people think of me as someone who is willing to give info freely. It is all relative though, rest assured that there are folks in Sweden who have done everything we could think of here, and probably off-board members in the US and Canada as well. We're a niche collective here on the internet at volvospeed.com, so headlines like "first ever!" are silly. We are way behind the Swedes and we hardly make up the whole tuning community here in the US either.

I like the TX folks and their cars, and I'm glad they have someone who's pimping out all the cars over there, but all the excitement over the headlines is kind of silly to me.

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That's not the point I was making at all. I just stated I found it funny that you guys from TX keep talking about how nobody else has this and that. That's cool and all, but if you're going to brag, make it something super impressive. Ok, Nick has a M66 swapped into his R, that's cool... He's got a bbk with "VOLVO" covering the entire caliper with a ghosted R, that's cool, I guess.

I never said my car was impressive, and I never said I've got this and that, and no one else does. Travis said that. I never said my car was the staple of impressiveness to which all other cars must be compared. If that were true, then we would truely be a sad bunch. My car has oil all over the engine bay, and a huge door ding in the fender from a douche in a parking lot (that was completely full and I had no other choice but to park where I did). My car is far from impressive, IMO. :wub:

Ok I take back using your car as the bench mark of impressiveness. But in reality nobody around here considered ourselves impressive and show boating about what we've done. We're sharing what a lot of people said couldn't be done and others can now go ahead and do it too. BBK on AWD, M56/M66 on ME7 R cars, and VVT motors into the non VVT generation models. All these things that everyone said was "impossible" or "too hard" including the swedes who haven't done these things either was done, by 1 man on our cars because we wanted to expand the Volvo modifying potential, at least that's what I've been trying to do, I don't know about the other guys, but the need for being able to do things with a cheaper and simpler alternative while everyone is talking out of their asses saying you can't, was needed and we've come up with those very solutions. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, do you?

And btw NWC was way worse with their "new pegs" for years then we have with any of our stuff :P

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I am all for the open exchange of information, in fact I hope people think of me as someone who is willing to give info freely. It is all relative though, rest assured that there are folks in Sweden who have done everything we could think of here, and probably off-board members in the US and Canada as well. We're a niche collective here on the internet at volvospeed.com, so headlines like "first ever!" are silly. We are way behind the Swedes and we hardly make up the whole tuning community here in the US either.

lol, I was posting about my "first ever" when the server went down, or w/e,,,.. a/w I was the one who started that thread, yes but in reality I just don't even care that much, I just wanted to share it with everyone and show people that there is an alternative to the awd setup and tranny which IMO, was bs. I agree 100% with what you say Eric!...

With that been said, I like rims, hid's, suspension, wooohooo! But I enjoy the crap out of trying to put an engine in the rear compartment of an 850, or show up at Aaron with a shell :rolleyes: , lol and say 'dude, 850 RWD can we make it happen? And yes, with God / time / $$ allowing it, then I'm the crazy one for saying, alright let's go <-- and I don't speak for TX, but for myself. Yes, it is a huge coincidence that we all are a little out of wack, but that's that.

also, i'd like to add that; Im in nooo competition with anyone to make anything, faster, prettier, slower, uglier (Justin) lolol.. .

peace and love on VS!

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