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Dumb S**t You Did For A Girl


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another topic got me thinking

post the most embarrassing and regretful things you did for girls you were pussified for

just stuff that looking back you go "WTF was i thinking"

i'll start

named a star in the star registry for one

kept being with a girl after she cheated on me

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I got a girl pregnant when I was a lot younger and she talked me into agreeing that it was a good idea to keep it. She was a fair amount older and I think she was just ready for a baby no matters whos it was. 20 some years later though and I'm glad we kept Adam even though the amnio confirmed he would be retarded.

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I got a girl pregnant when I was a lot younger and she talked me into agreeing that it was a good idea to keep it. She was a fair amount older and I think she was just ready for a baby no matters whos it was. 20 some years later though and I'm glad we kept Adam.

^ :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

my dumbest thing, i almost signed the birth certificate for a baby who i knew for a fact wasn't mine...17 at the time. sooooooooooo glad i dodge that bullet, crazy bitch would of bled me dry. i've done a number of dumb things since then, but i think that still tops my list.

the current one right now is being depressed about things still not working out after 6 years of the same old crap and still for whatever reason believing we can still work things out and i know for a fact i'm an idiot for thinking that and i still can't let it go.

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Uhhhhhh........ nothing as of yet.

I've never actually had a girlfriend <_<........ I know, I'm lame :P.

Take notes and maybe you won't have a good story to share :tup:

Hm, exgf cheated on me with my best friend and then I decided to 'take her back' after that, and then she dumped me a few weeks after saying it 'didn't feel the same any more'. Go figure.

I don't really look at it as the stupidest thing I've done, I thought long and hard about it, and a lot of people gave me some pretty good advice, just major burnnn.

I guess I should be happy to say that after 4 years in that relationship I can walk away with out anything majorly dumb aside from that.

I'm bound to do something stupid eventually, so... look for future posts? :lol:

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Went to Peru to visit my rafting guide girlfriend who had a job down there for the summer. She proceeded to break up with me 4 days after I got there in the middle of effing nowhere South America. My return flight didn't leave for 5 weeks, and she convinced me to travel all around South America with her because she thought it was too dangerous for a 21 year old, blonde-haired American girl to wander alone through the jungle. I guess I was good enough to protect her, but not be with her...Might still be a little bitter about this one 5 years after the fact.

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stayed together with a virgin - that should be enough said. every time we were messing around and i would ask to stick it in she would say "i wont say yes to you, the only way im loosing my virginity is if someone takes it without asking me"

i never did it and she ended up cheating on me, but f.. with a line like that i thought she would report me for rape - she broke up with me and i tried to get back with her

i don't regret fing her but staying with her

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