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Flat Black 850: dumb Or Not To dumb?


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Well that made me smile....lololol. It's all good bro...I had the same thing before with a 91 Escort GT. I loved that car bigtime...the blue paint was faded to a flat finish, the hood was bombed flat black, the interior was gutted, and I had a rubber chin spoiler on it...it was sooooo fun driving that thing. I used to play bumper tag with my buddies in it and jump just about anything that was jumpable...lol

Funny thing is though...if you threw a set of Pegs or Comets on it...you probably could get 8 G's for it... :lol:

I play bumper tag with my buddy's 3/4 ton cargo van. We will drive down the main street during lunch, and at lights, whoever is in front gets rear ended. Then they put it in reverse and have a pushing match. Man those looks you get are pricless.

I was also pulled over when playing bumper cars with my buddy's plastic saturn. We were at lights waiting for them to turn green, he bumped me really hard, so I put it in reverse and floored it, I pushed him about five feet, then the light turned green. When leaving the intersection, cherry's were flashing about, so we both pulled over. Officer asked us both if we knew the other one hit thieir car, we both laughed, and he let us go within a few minutes of chatting with us. "You just don't ever see that", he said.

I have done the "omg, dont scratch my snazzy as$ ride" before with e30's, now I want something different. I am sure you know what i'm talking about. Hey, where abouts in ON are you from? I'm in kingston.

TorqueSteer, I still go tricker treating and cannot see over the dash yet without a pillow and blindfold......


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Ding, Ding Ding. Rember everyone, you drive Volvo's.

I like the fact that when I drive thru a construction zone trying to hit all the cones, when I am finished, I just pull over, bomb away the orange streaks or scuffs, and not have to worry when i'm pulled over later. I'm just having fun doing things soo distastful to most people, its like a freak circus, you don't necessarily like the freaks, you just wonder wtf.

You guys have no idea (most of you) how good it feels to be able to make yourself piss while laughing at yourself. I should put it up for sale now for $8000, hmmm... Limmited edition, Mad Mike Volvo, complete with burd turds on the hood.


Disregard for others lives...nice. Those cones are there for a reason dumbass.

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I like it. I also like the dryer vent hose intake I use the same thing on my car.

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i had my tails like that for a while (just plugged the holes though)

i like where you're going- and

as trashy as it looks right now, you're only a few fairly attainable steps away from something that'll really get some (positive) looks:

-a set of KWs

-some bbs'

-r bumper

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there's already a flat 850 done properly...this one is just so effin :facepalm:

pix of that 850. i been thinking about flatblack mine for a while ( i dont see the point in shiny black paint since im too lazy to detail all the time)

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