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Tweeters Have Too Much Bass


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if you are running kappa comps wiht out crossovers, i hve the following advice:

1. your tweets may already have been blown

2. if they are not, go to www.madisound.com, or www.selectproducts.com and buy a two way crossover network for them, it wont be perfect, but they will work.


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Or if you really want to customize which I like to do at times. You can selectivly customize crossover frequency by placing a Bi-polar (non-polarized) electrolytic capacitor in line with your speaker. I have found that bass blockers are exspensive and all they are is a BI polar cap just under a name brand.

If those that are interested.

This shows the math involved in selecting the proper capacitor for your particular speaker system. This is the formula needed.


------------------------------------------------------------------- = capacitor value

2 * Pi * desired crossover frequency * speaker impedance

Impedance = The rated impedance of the speaker


Frequency = The desired 3dB down (crossover) point

Capacitor = Value of proper capacitor - value given in farads (multiply by 1,000,000 to convert to microfarads)

For Tweets I'd figure this.

If the speaker has 8 ohms impedance. And your choice @ 1000hz as the desired crossover point.

Value of the capacitor=1/(2*3.14*1000*8)

Value of the capacitor=20 microfarads = 20uf

50volt cap runs 100watts

100volt cap runs 200watts

Cheers B)


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active componets instead of passive, meaning they will suck some power

That is not the definition of Active vs Passive.

A passive crossover requires no External power to operate. It functions by passively filtering frequencies from the high power input. (Think inline with the speaker wire)

An Active crossover requires external power to operate. It recieves a low level signal (from an RCA Cable) filters the signal based upon settings desired by the user then amplifies and sends the signal them to one or more outputs. (Think inline with the RCA Cables, Spitting signal, requires its own power)

It is possible to buy passive crossovers that are inline with the RCA cables but hardly anybody uses those. Especially in a quality system.

The crossover inside of your amplifier is considered an active crossover.

The crossoever that comes with a component speaker set is a passive crossover.

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