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Mounting My Sub

The Reverend

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Some others might say different but dont pre drill the holes use wood screws and slow power setting drive them in with a drill this keeps them from stripping the hole and causing long term damage if you drill the holes you losin the wood around it youmight not see it but after a while the weight will tell thell open up

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Oh ok, self tapping screws are ususally used for thin metal, where you don't have enough metal to actually tap a hole. The self tapping screws will work fine, just drill a small pilot hole in the metal, using a drill bit that i described in my first post to your question. Then use em like you normally would. Remember tho, with a self tapping screw, the more time you remove and install them in the same hole, they won't hold as well in the hole as well as the did the first time. Rather, the hole in the metal will enlarge with each removal a smidge, making the fit poorer.

sorry for all the long winded responses, it's hard to explain these types of things in words. :D


All I use every day building fancy pants cabinets is self tapping wood screws. Who's got time for drilling pilot holes!

lol the funny thing is I only drill pilot holes for metal projects heehe

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I ended up just starting off with velcro. The L brackets seemed very good, but there was no metal to drill into, only the board above the spare tire. That isn't going to help! The gas tank was directly below the only available piece of metal, and even if the screw didn't touch the gas tank, if I got in a wreck, it very likely counld puncture it. The other concern was screwing into the box. For one thing, I didn't want to create unnecessary air leaks, and the other problem is that the stresses of daily driving and the vibrations running up through the bracket into the wood are likely to cause the MDF to just turn to dust :)

So I thinking up a plan that involves plumbers tape that attaches to the box and then to the metal on the rear deck.


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oh my my, what a complicated sitaution mounting a sub box have become, hehe, i have mounted probbaly 1000 sub boxes over the past years...and i have never had to go through such lengths in terms of planning, and i have never had a subbox turn to dust or sound bad cuase of airleaks related to nails...but then again, what do i know...right? ;)

did you explore all the size of hte sub box for attaching L brackets? front, rear and the two sides? when i had hte box in my car, i though i could definetly find a few places to attach it. you have a wagon right? or a sedan? i will look at my car today and find yuo some attachment points...


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