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Every person that I have met that has had an abortion (man or woman) always regrets they did it.... 100%

more than 10 people FYI

That's weird Dave, I know of more then 10 abortions that weren't regreted...does that cancel out your more then 10? I'm not even joking about that either, I even helped pay for 2 very close friends who made very bad choices back in highschool. Only 1 person I know of that regrets doing it, the rest of them have not had any psychological issues and have gone on to have very good lives and a lot of them now are married and have happy families. Also, how do you guys know about the psychological effects of having an abortion? You have one yourself? Hearsay? Don't knock it till you try it? :ph34r:

So under the no abortion policy, does rape count as an extreme case? If so, how do you prove someone's abortion is a rape case or they're just crying wolf to get an abortion? If not, why should a women be forced to carry out a birth that came from such a horrific crime and raise a child who must learn that they have no father, or that they're father is a sick human being? How about mothers who have AIDS and do not want to bring a child into the world with AIDS? How do you control that?

So for every child born into poverty and homelessness, who deals with that? Because I'm almost positive the majority of you complaining about this, also bitch about people who leach off the system and use up your hard earned taxed dollars and social security don't you? So you want you're cake and eat it too? You guys like to preach from the moral high ground, yet you're selfish just like the rest of us miscreants...you just do it hiding behind the bible, go figure.

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and honestly, does the world really need any more people?

yeah really. if you were to give only one chance for an abortion service to either of these people, who would you choose?

1. a recovering drug addict, who has relapsed twice, who wants a second chance to turn around her life, but cannot afford to care for the child

2. a medical student who was raped, and is very busy with working on finishing her degree, hoping to lead a successful life one day.

the only reason i ask is because i received the same question in a personal examination essay. i wonder what you guys would say.

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  • 4 weeks later...

yeah really. if you were to give only one chance for an abortion service to either of these people, who would you choose?

1. a recovering drug addict, who has relapsed twice, who wants a second chance to turn around her life, but cannot afford to care for the child

2. a medical student who was raped, and is very busy with working on finishing her degree, hoping to lead a successful life one day.

the only reason i ask is because i received the same question in a personal examination essay. i wonder what you guys would say.

The med student doesn't need one... she's making it through med school... so she most likely has the dedication and perseverance to get through being a parent, while working on finishing up her degree. Sure it'll be harder, but that's what you get for "accidentally" getting knocked up, you slut. Abortion isn't birth control.

Not only abort the baby, but abort the drug addict while at it. The whole "I'm trying to turn my life around, and I can't handle/afford a baby right now." excuse is BS. That baby should be the empowerment to turn her life around without failure. The real reason for her abortion would be to give herself a "reason" to fail again "I couldn't handle the guilt... wah wah wah, so I fell off the wagon, whimper whimper whimper" She doesn't want to be clean. She wants to continue doing what she's doing.

The abortion debate is useless. It will always either be legal or illegal. There can't be stipulations, or exceptions and the stipulations and exceptions won't work as reasons to NOT legalize it.

Someone's "Omg I was raped now I'm pg, I can't keep this baby, I just can't." is the exact same thing to someone else as their "OMG I was sooo drunk last night, had a one night stand and now I'm pg, I can't keep this baby, I just can't."

(I'm not saying it's the same thing to me.) I just mean that two different people can easily feel the same way about two different reasons for feeling that way and no one can tell them one's right and one's wrong.

Goodness... did that make sense?

Hahaha... Probably not. But it does make sense in my head!


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The med student doesn't need one... she's making it through med school... so she most likely has the dedication and perseverance to get through being a parent, while working on finishing up her degree. Sure it'll be harder, but that's what you get for "accidentally" getting knocked up, you slut. Abortion isn't birth control.

Not only abort the baby, but abort the drug addict while at it. The whole "I'm trying to turn my life around, and I can't handle/afford a baby right now." excuse is BS. That baby should be the empowerment to turn her life around without failure. The real reason for her abortion would be to give herself a "reason" to fail again "I couldn't handle the guilt... wah wah wah, so I fell off the wagon, whimper whimper whimper" She doesn't want to be clean. She wants to continue doing what she's doing.

The abortion debate is useless. It will always either be legal or illegal. There can't be stipulations, or exceptions and the stipulations and exceptions won't work as reasons to NOT legalize it.

Someone's "Omg I was raped now I'm pg, I can't keep this baby, I just can't." is the exact same thing to someone else as their "OMG I was sooo drunk last night, had a one night stand and now I'm pg, I can't keep this baby, I just can't."

(I'm not saying it's the same thing to me.) I just mean that two different people can easily feel the same way about two different reasons for feeling that way and no one can tell them one's right and one's wrong.

Goodness... did that make sense?

Hahaha... Probably not. But it does make sense in my head!


You need to move out of the south

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That's weird Dave, I know of more then 10 abortions that weren't regreted...does that cancel out your more then 10? I'm not even joking about that either, I even helped pay for 2 very close friends who made very bad choices back in highschool. Only 1 person I know of that regrets doing it, the rest of them have not had any psychological issues and have gone on to have very good lives and a lot of them now are married and have happy families. Also, how do you guys know about the psychological effects of having an abortion? You have one yourself? Hearsay? Don't knock it till you try it? :ph34r:

So under the no abortion policy, does rape count as an extreme case? If so, how do you prove someone's abortion is a rape case or they're just crying wolf to get an abortion? If not, why should a women be forced to carry out a birth that came from such a horrific crime and raise a child who must learn that they have no father, or that they're father is a sick human being? How about mothers who have AIDS and do not want to bring a child into the world with AIDS? How do you control that?

So for every child born into poverty and homelessness, who deals with that? Because I'm almost positive the majority of you complaining about this, also bitch about people who leach off the system and use up your hard earned taxed dollars and social security don't you? So you want you're cake and eat it too? You guys like to preach from the moral high ground, yet you're selfish just like the rest of us miscreants...you just do it hiding behind the bible, go figure.

Good stuff here Jon. I agree, if you dont believe in it, don't do it. It's a spiritual decision and you have to deall with it between you and your God. Let others live with their decision.

It's funny that the conservatives whine NOW about how the "end of life" kill grandma consequences of the heatlh bill are soooo wrong because that decision should be made at home with family.....>BUT> ask Terry Schiavo's family how much the conservatives helped defend her decision back when W was president and the conservatives fought like hell to keep it from being a family decision. BULLSHIT, it's just political BULLSHIT, just like the abortion issue. Politicians wanting to legislate morality. It AINT happening.

It's sickening to me.

End of rant, back to your regularly scheduled bitch session B) :blink:

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OOh Jena swings for the fences.

35 million. It's a behavioral disease. I don't want to pay for it thru taxes, OK with you?

I'm sure they were all necessary.

You know how it is, drunk sex can't say no, can't keep your dick in your pants, no self control. Those are legit reasons to terminate.

Should be forced to take a test before you whip it out or pull down. Jefferson was right, most of us are to stupid to make a solid decision, hence the Electoral college and a Republic instead of a direct Democracy.

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