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Wtf Chuck


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Finally had to upgrade from IE5 to IE8 thanks to this fxcking upgrade Chuck :( Thanks a helluva lot. Now my Outlook has to reload and my archived folders are in lalaland. Fuck!

Oh well, first things first, at least it isnt stalling every other time I try to open a forum topic.

Thanks Chuck. :)

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he did you a favor

actually, i'm pretty sure that's not even possible. ie5 was win2k or earlier, ie8 is only available on an xp machine or higher.

running XP Pro on my company laptop. The LAST machine we could get with XP earlier this year and IE5 is what it had. Oh well, he did me a favor like you said and as soon as I recover all my old Outlook stuff life will be easy again. In the meantime I grit my teeth. Arggghhhh!

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Too bad you only account for 20% of people who feel that way.


Internet Explorer

87,268 43.53%



83,544 40.10%



18,556 8.80%



8,528 4.17%



2,550 1.43%



2,355 1.25%



321 0.30%


Opera Mini

243 0.13%



167 0.08%



98 0.05%

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sorry let me rephrase.. 20% of the overall web.

it'd be different if you wrote this board software yourself instead of purchasing it from a company.. but you didnt.

a product should fully support what the majority populus runs or its garbage IMO

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instead of blindly googling results, do a little more research next time champ.

and look up what w3schools even represents..

direct from that page you hot linked me.

W3Schools is a website for people with an interest for web technologies. These people are more interested in using alternative browsers than the average user. The average user tends to use Internet Explorer, since it comes preinstalled with Windows. Most do not seek out other browsers.

These facts indicate that the browser figures above are not 100% realistic. Other web sites have statistics showing that Internet Explorer is used by at least 80% of the users.

Anyway, our data, collected from W3Schools' log-files, over a five year period, clearly shows the long and medium-term trends.

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Who cares? The goal is to make a site that works well with all browsers. So it doesn't matter if you want to use Gheyzilla, Googleghey, Internet Gheysploer, Operalover, Pitch a Tent Safari or whatever other ghey thing you can browse the interwebs with.

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