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High Speed Monkey Has 37 Unpaid Tickets


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This guy gets a big +1 for calling out lazy as$ cops, and beating the system at its own game. Was posted on tb, thought you guys would enjoy.


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wow, some of those comments are ridiculous.. trying to get a guy fired from his job, when it can't even be proven it was him driving.. and then all the people bickering over the speed cameras.. then some guy saying it MUST be him, because he has a white undershirt showing in the speed photo, just like on his facepage/mybook photo.. classic.

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HAHAHHAHAHAHA this guy is my fucking hero .

And simpley all this is , is that state trying to steal money from you buy puttting up those jackass cameras.

Simpley if theres no cop theres no ticket / disccusion .

+1milloin for this guy :D

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