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Pops Racer

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I remember I was in 8th grade I think? Maybe a freshman...I can't remember. I was in a math class and we all got called into a presentation room where the teachers told us what was happening and we watched the second tower get hit as hell. Definitely something I'll never forget, you just can't.

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Freshman in High School, I still remember the desk I was sitting at.

"I remember the day the day there were no planes in the sky, and the world changed forever"


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I remember I was in 8th grade I think? Maybe a freshman...I can't remember. I was in a math class and we all got called into a presentation room where the teachers told us what was happening and we watched the second tower get hit as hell. Definitely something I'll never forget, you just can't.

Same thing, the school got called into the auditorium.

Freshman in High School, I still remember the desk I was sitting at.

"I remember the day the day there were no planes in the sky, and the world changed forever"


And yeah, I remember the desk, the room, the TV. Everything. Pretty chilling.

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that moment was prolly the greatest factor that moved me towards joining the army , several years later and no regrets , tho many lost there lives i honestly believed that in a weird way we needed something that shocking to regalvanize this country , think about it ... the military actually started turnin people away , the world will never be the same , and its up to us the make sure the differences are for the better

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A complete needless waster of human life...I too will never forget as well. I still remember hearing the roar of the F15's flying over head from Selfridge Air National Guard in Mich on the intercept mission to the plane over Pennsylvania. That was crazy!

It's also my wedding anniversary as well!

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Sixth grade, taking a math quiz, that I didn't study for. I was sitting in the back part of the room, half the lights were off. One of the other teachers came in, and told our teacher, she turned on the TV, and everyone just watched. Intense.

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Government supported

I wont forget though

You're kidding , right?

Save your whacked out position for the Political Discussion Forum, this is a memorial.

I was working on a house in Westchester county NY, half the carpenters were NY area Firemen. There phones and beepers went crazy and they all flew to their Fire houses. The house we were working on had a 4th floor cupola, we ran up and saw the smoke. I didn't know whether to go to a gun store and stock up, or go to a church and pray. I ended up grabbing my kids from school, and headed home to wait and see what happened. I went to church the next day. And the next.

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