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Swedish Police On The Go

True Swede

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Couldn't find a fitting forum so I decided to put it here.

I just came across this in a Swedish newspaper.


This happened in Stockholm Saturday night (Swedish time). Police claims they were only doing 65 km/h (50 zone) but witnesses claim it was closer to 110 km/h, which is highway speeds in Sweden. Witnesses also say the two police men climbing out of the car looked pretty embarrassed :lol: .

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Witness: That was fast

Police car Volta - the heart of central Stockholm.

- We do not know yet what happened, "said police spokesman Towe Hägg.

Two police officers sat in the car when the volta and ended up on the page, in the middle of central Stockholm.

The accident occurred at 21:09 at the intersection of Fleming Street, St. Eriksgatan on Kungsholmen.

An ambulance was sent to the scene.

- There was a single incident with emergency vehicles, "said Towe Hägg at Stockholspolisen.

According to her, the two policemen had not been seriously injured.

We know at present is not how the accident happened.

- A police supervisory position is in place and will take information regarding the accident, "she says.

"It was damn soon"

Arne Ahlström was sitting in a pub nearby and saw the wild run-up to the crash.

- There were two police cars following each other, and I responded that it went so damn fast. Then I see blue lights and steps out and sees the crash.

He continues:

- A policeman told me it was 65 km / h but ... It made even 110, says Arne Ahlström.

Another witness saw police officers who walked out of the car.

- They seemed to be ashamed.

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Wow! I see the police and ambulances driving through the center of Lund at ridiculous speeds at night and I always just shake my head. I know if I had ever driven an ambulance like that in the U.S. I wouldn't have gotten away with it for long.

Looks like no one was hurt though, at least aftonbladet doesn't mention any injuries and it only involved the 1 police car so that's good.

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Wow, that sounds crazy. I know around here ambulances can get tickets if they don't do the speed limit even with their emergency lights on. Unless it is what they deem a "special" situation.

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Wow, that sounds crazy. I know around here ambulances can get tickets if they don't do the speed limit even with their emergency lights on. Unless it is what they deem a "special" situation.

Usually that's not the case. There is a reasonable amount of speeding that emergency vehicles are allowed to do when running Code 3. They are still required to come to a stop at a red light/stop sign regardless, but with lights and sirens on traffic is supposed to yield...this is rarely the case in the U.S. sadly.

Also, in many States it's becoming illegal or at least against EMS protocol for emergency vehicles to drive with emergency lighting but no audible alarms...in other words it's all or nothing. I strongly support that because it's often difficult for traffic to notice your presence driving without a siren.

There are plenty of occasions when an ambulance does need to get somewhere quickly - usually this type of driving is done on the way to a patient rather than on the way to the hospital since it's additionally dangerous when you have several people working in the back (often without seatbelts).

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