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OK so as of right now I drive an 02 Saab 9-3SE with 91,050 miles. I found a 20k mi 94 850 Turbo in a local lot for a very reasonable price. Now, my mother (I'm 17), will not allow me to get this car. the 850 is obviously a better car and the saab has left me stranded 3 times,once in NJ, once a few miles from home and another time i cant remember. the PS is goin on the saab and it has a head gasket leak (very miniscule). As for the 850, it pulls harder then any car ive ever driven and its obvi gonna need a little work considering it probably sat. Give me some reasons to convince my mom to allow me to buy this. Her arguments are moot against this, things like i need to focus on school,im a senior and have been accepted to UTI for next fall and have a full tuition already paid.

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um they are safe, so safe that in 97 volvo issued a life insurance policy just to move the cars off the lot. Something to the effect of if you dying driving this car in the next 5 years your family gets 100k....It reliable many of these cars have 200k miles and most on the board are around 125-175k. Theres tons of people around you to help you with big jobs and parts. If you have a full tuition already paid for what the hell does she care what you spend it on. Just tell her that you want the car and if it turns out to be a bad decision then lesson learned but your a hard headed ass ;)

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This is just Michigan's Statistics but I'm sure the graph applies nationwide. Tell her you don't want to die so you can attend school.

Like "Black Betty" said their life insurance policy was true. My old neighbors wife died in a Volvo and he got a 100k. That was a long time ago but it just proves their commitment to safety.

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This is just Michigan's Statistics but I'm sure the graph applies nationwide. Tell her you don't want to die so you can attend school.

Like "Black Betty" said their life insurance policy was true. My old neighbors wife died in a Volvo and he got a 100k. That was a long time ago but it just proves their commitment to safety.

Gah. haha thats a bad point to make to her as ive had 2 accidents, one where i flipped a previous saab 9-3 and no seatbelt.not a scratch on me and i rear ended a lady so as u can imagine my insurance is QUITE high. Will an 850 lower this?

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Gah. haha thats a bad point to make to her as ive had 2 accidents, one where i flipped a previous saab 9-3 and no seatbelt.not a scratch on me and i rear ended a lady so as u can imagine my insurance is QUITE high. Will an 850 lower this?

Insurance with a volvo can go either way.

With an 850, they may lower it a little, because they're so safe, and the car is older, so it won't be as expensive to repair.

If you get the car inspected before any mods are done, or take any off before the adjuster gets a look at it, then it may go down a tad...

If they think its a little too fast, insurance may go up on you.

They kept my insurance the same if i were to go from my xc to a c70, even though they are the same year. The xc is more expensive to repair, but they viewed the c70 as a higher risk car for me... and i've never had an insurance claim (knocks on the table)

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wait. a 20,000 mile 850?! how much, and where? LOL

Volvos are slightly safer. Saabs do break down more. Volvos have a bigger engine. some people prefer the aesthetics of one over the other.

i think, if you want to convince your mother, first, you need to counter her arguments, such as, yes, you do need to focus on school, that's why you need a car that isn't having the issues your car has, and won't leave you stranded on your way to school. sure, you may have your tuition paid, but you don't need to be bleeding out money into a car that isn't reliable, and needs fixing regularly.

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I'd be weary of a 20k 850. Seems like a lot of random seals would get brittle from not being driven. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Also agreed with BlackBetty. Save up and just go buy it. Whats the problem?

The problem is she is a control freak, if I ya know piss her off bad enough, then I have no where to live. And yea I can see where you're comin from. I would deff do stage 0 once I got it though.

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I'll side with your mom on this one.

That 850 is going to eat a ton of cash. I've had a couple of old, very low mileage cars in the past that sat before I had them.

Coolant hoses, vacuum lines, tires, belts, pcv all that stuff will need to be replaced as soon as you get it. The shocks and struts are probably hit from sitting so long. Your cv boots will blow after you start racking up some miles. The AC system is going to need some attention from not being used, and you'll probably spring various leaks all over the place. Everything rubber on that car has deteriorated from not being used.

I'd stay away from it, unless it was a killer deal. I'd take one with 100k on it over that.

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OK so as of right now I drive an 02 Saab 9-3SE with 91,050 miles. I found a 20k mi 94 850 Turbo in a local lot for a very reasonable price. Now, my mother (I'm 17), will not allow me to get this car. the 850 is obviously a better car and the saab has left me stranded 3 times,once in NJ, once a few miles from home and another time i cant remember. the PS is goin on the saab and it has a head gasket leak (very miniscule). As for the 850, it pulls harder then any car ive ever driven and its obvi gonna need a little work considering it probably sat. Give me some reasons to convince my mom to allow me to buy this. Her arguments are moot against this, things like i need to focus on school,im a senior and have been accepted to UTI for next fall and have a full tuition already paid.

I agree on the safety aspect, also agree on the likelihood of extensive repairs necessary for a vehicle that sat most of it's life, IF it truly has on 20k on it. Most importantly though, we need some pictures to truly assess the situation. Please post front, back, side, and especially undercarriage pictures, including the exhaust system for our appraisal.

(OF YOUR MOM of course, the car we can guess at) :lol::lol::lol: :lol:

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I agree with Matt, getting that car up to par will take a significant amount of money and effort. What everyone else has said about maintenance and such is true, these cars are easy to work on and you can save loads of dough if you're at least moderately handy with a wrench. I don't know if the same is true with your Saab. I'll also add that insurance will be MUCH cheaper. I don't have my insurance book in front of me but the fact that the car is 8 years older than your Saab is a huge deal for the insurance companies. As stated above it'll be cheaper to repair if crashed, hence a lower rate.

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