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Help With Mod For Stock Cbv Spring


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Per ipd "The stock spring is 8 lbs and good for up to 12 lbs of boost

If I insert, say 2 quarters in there, would it allow me to better achieve stable higher boost since I have 17psi ST ecu on my T5M?

I'm considering doing so because I have the turbo out and currently rebuilding it.

Any info on the matter is appreciated (like how many quarters is ideal for 17psi, if it's a good idea, if it's actually done with stock CBV).

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Why not just buy IPDs CBV and stronger springs? theres a GB for it, 59.99 shipped =0

But hehe..uhmmm if no one gives you a direct answer thouhg, go check out VIVAs site..they used to have like a small list that says like 1,2,3,4 shims and the number of psi.

i mean..they do say shims are bad(not ideal) and all that anyways(on IPDs or somewhere i read) but lol....people have been doing it for a while so someones gotta have some good info on it

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Shims work, but the CBV can't open quite as far, reducing the amount of air you can flow through it. Not a problem by any means, but stiffer springs really is the more optimal way to go.

I guess this is the reason Viva doesn't offer stock spring + shims anymore and instead offer stiffer spring.

Oh well, it's worth a try I suppose, 2 quarters for now and see if it will hold high boost better. I happen to have three CBV diapraghm, one of them brand new from lucky - will just install stiffer spring later if I don't see any improvement. I just want my car back, I miss it already and I just finished the turbo rebuild.

Thanks for taking the time to respond guys!

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The press-out plugs from electric outlet boxes are the right size - quarters are a little small.


..you just have to file smooth the divet when it's twisted off/out. 2 of these are good for over 20 psi.

You rock Hussein!

I installed the 16T already but I know what you mean. I used more appropriately sized metal shims and not quarters - two of them and probably a bit thicker than the press out plugs in the pix. The spring is used so I hope if I put one too many, it would just compensate for the worn spring and not go beyond 17psi which from what I understand is another territory.

Thanks again.

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or call IPD and order just the spring...you do not have to get the kit...I got a 10# spring from them for like $10 before the kit was even available. Lucky said anything they put together and sell as a kit can also be had as individual parts, just call.

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Yup, springs are $9.95 plus $1.50 USPS shipping

The turbo's installed, lol. All this time I didn't think about it.

Might as well run with it, then replace if not working. The trouble at this point would be the same, pita removal of bottom CBV bolt.

It's good to know I have that option though.

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Finally hooked-up most everything*, and the car runs fine with no cel! I was concerned I could not hook thing right since it was over a month when I took things apart but I still got it, lol.

I did:

- diy 16T rebuild with kit from Spanky

- installed R-mani

- installed obx straight 3"DP

- SAS delete (Hussein/Lucky)

- lower oem hose

- diy heater hoses

- replaced most hoses, including brake booster hose

- installed iPD TCV permanently on the side of the air-box as iPD suggests

- installed EST cf strut bars (nice!)

- painted some components in the engine compartment

*I just need the cat and the rest of the exhaust system welded. I was thinking of doing it myself, but I think I'll pass, lol.

I did install the turbo catback I removed from my T5M to our V70 NA which has hole in the suitcase muffler, and I realized I'm no good in welding. I did manage to do it without any leak, albeit ugly-looking, and the V70, with relatively newer cat and now wit catback from stock turbo (mucho larger pipe than NA stock catback pipes) drives as good as it can be! I do remember fiddling with cam timing on that one with my QBM timing tool, maybe that helped too.

Time to check-out exhaust shop in the area. I remember Ben (B Mc) recommending a shop in Waterbury, anybody knows one in the greater Hartford, CT area?

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