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95 850 Transmission Problems


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Alright here's the story. Approx 2months ago I started getting the flashing arrow all the time and it had all the classic symptoms of a failing PNP. So I lived with it and then I had to leave for 7weeks (Air Force) well, when I got back I figured I should order a new PNP switch, which I did, all the while it kept getting worse and worse, to the point where it wouldn't shift from first in Drive (I'd have to keep it in 3) or it would go into limp mode. Anyways, I only drove it like that for ~week, no other problems, it still shifted fine and what not, then a couple of days after I ordered the part I'm driving to a friends house and I stop at a stop sign. I start going again but then at about 10-15mph (~2500rpms) it just slipped into neutral and kept revving when I gave it gas, but no go. So I pull over and turn the car off thinking it's the PNP. I do the ratchet thing a bit and try again, nothing won't go into any gear, the car revs up a little bit like it's about to engage, but never does. So I call my dad to pull me home, while he's on his way I let it cool down a bit, and I was able to get the car goin again but same thing, at ~10mph it just slipped into neutral and once I stopped nothin. These were the codes given. Also I had put in an S70 instrument cluster and the speed was erratic so that is the 232 code

232 Speedometer signal missing

313 Faulty signal from gear position sensor (PNP)

322 Incorrect gear ratio

Finally the PNP switch came in, and I installed it (easier than I thought it would be) and went for the test drive, and it went a good 2miles and was shifting as normal but then as teh car warmed up, it started slipping again, and eventually wouldn't engage any gear. So this time I experimented a little. These were the codes given (I cleared them just before driving)

232 Speedometer signal missing

322 Incorrect gear ratio

And it wouldn't go back into a gear, but then I tried resetting the TCU everytime it died, and it would engage the gear again everytime, but it would still slip back to neutral at 10mph. These were the codes that were consistent after this

232 Speedometer signal missing

322 Incorrect gear ratio

So then I decided to put the old cluster back in to see if it would fix the speed signal problem, which it appears it did , and it drove fine when cold, shifted fine and didn't appear to be slipping but then as the car warmed up the arrow started flashing and it slipped to neutral and I got these codes

313 Faulty signal from gear position sensor (PNP)

322 Incorrect gear ratio

So I reset it so I could coast home and the 322 code came on as soon as I started the car.

So to sum it all up, what!?! Could it be the PNP switch is just not aligned right (I aligned it as best I could according to where it was before, but it was a little dark so it might be off. What is the error of margin for this alignment and could this be the reason. I mean I don't mind drivin the 740 but the 850 is ALOT better. Also how much is that alignment tool? I still don't think it's a mechanical problem as it works perfectly fine (albeit for a short time) when the car is cold or the codes are freshly reset.

Any insight would be GREATLY appreciate, Cause I don't have the time or money right now to replace the transmission.

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I hate to sound negative, but incorrect gear ratio has seemed to really mean that the tranny mechanically is screwed a bit, especially with your car screwing up once the tranny is warm, that's usually not good. I've gone through 3?? You know...

I was having a point where my speed sensor was acting up I believe, and my tranny as a result got confused. I unplugged it sometimes and reconnected it, and it'd stay working for like 15 minutes then there'd be a jolt and the car would throw a light again. But after a few times of unplugging it and trying to clean it, I've never had that problem again.

But yeah people, HELP HIM OUT, I think responses in the maintenance section have dropped off. I don't expect Bay 13 to do it alllll, but for most of us even a guess or a stab at something is useful.

(I could SERIOUSLY use some help in my thread too) :(

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I think the problem is because of the instrument cluster, wrong one. The cluster supplies speed information to the transmission module. Incorrect speed input causes the TCM to have incorrect gear ratio codes as well as the speed codes. Put the old cluster back in and see if your problems go away.

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I think the problem is because of the instrument cluster, wrong one.  The cluster supplies speed information to the transmission module. Incorrect speed input causes the TCM to have incorrect gear ratio codes as well as the speed codes.  Put the old cluster back in and see if your problems go away.

Yeah, I figured that might be the problem so I put the old cluster back in, and it gave 322 (PNP), and 313 again. Maybe I just need to pull the ecu's to reset them and try it some more since I have put the old cluster in, but I still don't think it's mechanical, it has something to do with either the cluster or the PNP.

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