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What The H Is Up With V.S.?


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I'm running the latest IE8

I keep getting "script" messages... and it's slow as hades... garbled up... wth? Not really a pleasant time.

It's not just here at home... same B.S. thing at work

A few times I've had to shutdown the whole computer both places just to get off this site

Is it just me... or V.S.?


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I'm running the latest IE8

I keep getting "script" messages... and it's slow as hades... garbled up... wth? Not really a pleasant time.

It's not just here at home... same B.S. thing at work

A few times I've had to shutdown the whole computer both places just to get off this site

Is it just me... or V.S.?


IE8 here too. to the right of your address bar, you'll see a broken page looking icon. Hit it and see if it clears up. It's a compatability mode that causes this problem. Stumbnled on it by accident myself.

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IE8 here too. to the right of your address bar, you'll see a broken page looking icon. Hit it and see if it clears up. It's a compatability mode that causes this problem. Stumbled on it by accident myself.

I'm not seeing that?

I've got the addy bar, refresh, close and Google search

This has pretty much made V.S. unusable for me.... Ugh! :angry:

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I'm not seeing that?

I've got the addy bar, refresh, close and Google search

This has pretty much made V.S. unusable for me.... Ugh! :angry:

Ahhhhh... go into "Tools"

Click on "Compatability View Settings"

Let it add V.S.

Unmark "Display all websites in Compatablity View"

Seems better now... fuggin' M.S. :monkey:

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I'm having the same script problem and have been for a few days.

It may be just coincidence, but it seems to occur when ShoutBox updates. Is there any way to disable ShoutBox so I can see if that fixes it?

The Compatibility View Settings suggestion did NOT fix it for me.

(Outdated WinXP box, but system/antivirus/antispyware all updated. Problem persists.)

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I had the same problem using IE8. Not one issue with any other website though?????

I switched to FireFox, everything's good now.

But still weird that only VS was giving me probs when I was using IE8

I don't even waste my time trying to access VS at work. Same thing there too. But worse.

Only VS locks up?????????

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