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And So It Begins

Pops Racer

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I have great heath care, no need to reform mine. Insurance across the board are cracking down on MRIs in general along with other services.

So as usual when someone challenges your thinking, you end up trying to make sense, but only end up contradicting yourself.

And you wonder why people get sick of seeing you in every thread.


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So as usual when someone challenges your thinking, you end up trying to make sense, but only end up contradicting yourself.

And you wonder why people get sick of seeing you in every thread.


It is not people challenging my thinking, they are just trying to bash me.

how do you think I am contradicting myself?

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"Its an assumption that when something like this is announced, its because of the current administration, which it is in fact, not. Its due to the political heat of Health Care reform and its all about divisive politics"

I think ( big deal), that many of us are skeptical about Govt ability to run anything. I'm still not convinced that anything is done in the best interest of the country any more. The more I read the more it seems the change promised is just more of the same, no transparency and special interests rule the country. I keep replaying vids of Obama rallying SEIU/ACORN, and referring to these losers as major player in policy. The person who has visited the WH the most? Andy Stern head of SEIU. At least 22 times by my count. I checked the WH visitor registry, Bill Ayers was on there a couple of times also. Michael Jordan 5 times :lol::lol: Michael Moore 8 times :angry:

I still have a bad feeling about all this, Bush leftovers not withstanding. It's almost a blessing they are trying to ram an assload of shit down our throats, as opposed to a trickle over time. We are reacting faster, and with more verve than if it was a gradual erosion. So they are stupid, and will get caught. It won't be pretty in 2010- 2012.

The Dems still think were stupid, but they are already busted by middle America and the Independents are running, not walking away from the Dems.

It's interesting. I was afraid of what would happen, and I had lost confidence, a bit, in the folks. But they have stood up and recognized the problem. And reaffirmed my belief that the best asset the US has is an informed electorate.Despite the efforts of the pols to hide the truth.

Plus whats so great about 10 yrs of tax increases to pay for 4 yrs of shitty health care. Just start looking at the numbers, deeply, its damn scary.

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So as usual when someone challenges your thinking, you end up trying to make sense, but only end up contradicting yourself.

And you wonder why people get sick of seeing you in every thread.


Yes, there has to be health care reform, but that doesn't mean we need to hand out free health care to everyone, and gain trillions more in national debt. This current bill is not the answer and I do not want. It's a black hole for the public option. The CBO said they're going to have to significantly raise taxes to pay for it, and cut medicare. Again, do not want. Also, the 10 year budgetary outlook the CBO did was w/ skewed numbers, the plan costs are going to increase significantly after the 10 year mark. The first ten years taxes will be begin instantly, but incentives won't kick in until 4 years later. So you have 4 years of profits and 6 years of costs.

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I wonder if they take into account inflation. Seems like they are going to tax the shit out of technology innovation companies as well as drug innovators, bad idea. Thats where the jobs come from, duh.

Heres the scary number

$20,000,000,000,000 debt in 10 yrs.

Lets see, 6,692,030,277 people in the world = 2989 Lego pieces per person.

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