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Things Travis Was Glad He Missed In School!

Pops Racer

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I agree with the one parent, I police my kids Facebook and Myspace with explicit instructions that the password stays what I put it as, if it's changed I delete there proflie.

And as far as South Park goes, that show went down hill years ago and any parent that can't see it's more suited for adult humor shouldn't be raising a child. SouthPark, American Dad, and Family guy are not allowed in my house along with a few others. This is what's wrong with the world today, parents aren't parents anymore, family values have been shot to the side. But not in my house, my kids are raised the way I was, you act dumb I go Red Foreman on yo ass. :lol:

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I agree with the one parent, I police my kids Facebook and Myspace with explicit instructions that the password stays what I put it as, if it's changed I delete there proflie.

And as far as South Park goes, that show went down hill years ago and any parent that can't see it's more suited for adult humor shouldn't be raising a child. SouthPark, American Dad, and Family guy are not allowed in my house along with a few others. This is what's wrong with the world today, parents aren't parents anymore, family values have been shot to the side. But not in my house, my kids are raised the way I was, you act dumb I go Red Foreman on yo ass. :lol:

DI-YAHM! I'm shipping you an 18 yr old for rehab! Train station is close right? :P

I heard this on the news, I must admit I laughed and thought of Ben and Travis wrestling!

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lol wow been so glad that i'm not a ginger =p I did get a group invite to that though.

and give southpark another shot..its pretty dern funny again (most of the episodes)...beats the pants off family guy

I grew up on the Simpsons and tool time etc, and family guy of course was 'canceled' when i was younger.....I don't mind the red foreman stuff myself, some kids need it. But, you have to be fair enough to realize your kids are gonna be exposed to this someday...i was just more so taught its OK to laugh at dumb asses..just don't be one :P

Then again..i don't think id want my kids growing up like me =0 crap.

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We love our gingers on VS!

I kinda lost SP when Mr. hankey was introduced. I'm cool with avante garde humour, but that was just gross to be gross.

First season will never be duplicated for yucks. Anal probe and aliens...classic.

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