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1995 850 T-5R Yellow


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I keep hearing that there were only 185 of the Yellows brought into the U.S..

If this is true is there any way to find out where in that order mine was produced based on the VIN ? Also, wouldn't that 185 number be confirmable/deniable based on a VIN analysis or all the ranges/combos of Volvo 850 VINs from that year?

I know; kind of silly question but I figured I would ask. I wanted to get the license plate "1 of 185" but someone has swipped it in CA already so I might go for the actual number within that sequence.



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"Wiki" - Def. - A collaborative website whose content can be edited by ANYONE who has access to it.

any jackarse can put whatever they want on there...that isn't any kind of proof. (case in point...check out how yellow T-5Rs came into the U.S.. Hey, isn't that more than the total amount produced world wide? LOL

I am looking for a difinitive way to confirm this and figured that since VINs are very specific in their sequencing when it comes to factories, models, engines and colours that with a little bit of VIN work the total number thing could be confirmed.

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"Wiki" - Def. - A collaborative website whose content can be edited by ANYONE who has access to it.

any jackarse can put whatever they want on there...that isn't any kind of proof. (case in point...check out how yellow T-5Rs came into the U.S.. Hey, isn't that more than the total amount produced world wide? LOL

I am looking for a difinitive way to confirm this and figured that since VINs are very specific in their sequencing when it comes to factories, models, engines and colours that with a little bit of VIN work the total number thing could be confirmed.

You are welcome


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"Wiki" - Def. - A collaborative website whose content can be edited by ANYONE who has access to it.

any jackarse can put whatever they want on there...that isn't any kind of proof. (case in point...check out how yellow T-5Rs came into the U.S.. Hey, isn't that more than the total amount produced world wide? LOL

I am looking for a difinitive way to confirm this and figured that since VINs are very specific in their sequencing when it comes to factories, models, engines and colours that with a little bit of VIN work the total number thing could be confirmed.

Congratulations, you helped mess up wikipedia. Now I have to go rollback your graffiti. While that 'fact' is not cited, recognize that in the future, many facts on wikipedia have citations/sources you can follow to confirm.

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Don't worry; I still have it up on my screen and am changing it back. I know who originally added that but was mostly poking fun 7 VII 7...I know from previous conversations that he is a bit of a jokster and might find that funny.

I do understand how Wiki works, but I have yet to see any evidence that 185 is the true number and Wiki certainly doesn't help that.

This new ad that 7 VII 7 posted is interesting...I am going to have to check it out.

What does "rollback your grafitti" mean?

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You are welcome

Bitchin!!! Thanks!

Where did you find that? The numbers on there are interesting...and different than Wiki except for U.S. Yellows.


Total: 5,500

Black: 2,500

Yellow: 2,500

Green: 500

U.S. Black: 1,875

U.S. Yellow: 185


The Kraut ad

Total: 5,000

Black: 3,025

Yellow: 1,975

No Greens are mentioned

U.S. Black: 719

U.S. Yellow: 185

It is interesting that the Canadians got no Blacks (hard to keep a Black car clean in Canadia). It is no surprise that the Japanese would like the Yellows so much. How would you like to be the one guy in Thailand with a Yellow 850? pretty cool.

anyways, thanks again; that is a cool ad but it once again shows that Wiki is not the final word.

Any other info on the Greens? Since the ad mentions no Greens it makes me wonder.

I figured out your "graffiti" remark. Thanks, but you don't have to fix my mistakes. I can take responsibility for my actions. Now the only question is, do I change it to match that ad? I don't think I can post pictures yet on Wiki but maybe once I can I will post that, change the numbers and mention that it is the best evidence of the true numbers that has been brought forth so far.

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hmmm...not Kraut. I guess it would make more sense that it is Swedish but my limited German caused me to pick up on a couple of words that made me lean that way. I am trying to translate it and it is clearly not German so I am going to try to do it in Swedish.

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ah Dutch! I should have known with all the "aa"s and "ee"s...and the "van de ..."; all very Dutch.

it is odd though because I had to drop the "e" at the end of "zwarte" to get it to translate properly as "black".

"Here, all the T-5R cars go.

The yellow portion of the bars indicates the number of yellow T-5R cars and the black portion of the black. A total of 5.000 cars geproduced."

Nothing earth shattering there...just goes to show that the international language is "picture, with colour and numbers on it." LOL

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Don't worry; I still have it up on my screen and am changing it back. I know who originally added that but was mostly poking fun 7 VII 7...I know from previous conversations that he is a bit of a jokster and might find that funny.

Well the change on wikipedia had your IP address tied to it, so me thinks its you :lol: But thats not really a big deal. And clicking 'undo' wasn't much effort for me.

I read somewhere on here someone called Volvo to ask for the official numbers of something. I think it might have been Dave and his gray?

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I called Volvo of NA, Sweden, Belgium, Finland and Australia to find out numbers about my car 427.

Sorry not about the T5-R yellows

Right but do you have the contact information to pass on to hgray? Perhaps he can verify his number this way.

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I have them querying the DB right now for NA, Belgium and Sweden.

"How many 1995 Yellow 850 T5-R Saloons and Estates were imported to the US"

"How many 1997 427 Gray Metallic 850R Saloons and Estates were imported to the US"

I should have a response today or tomorrow

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Sweet, thanks!

That 427 is an awesome colour, if it is the one I am thinking of. How many were made? I didn't realize it was an R...

The only colour I have seen less of is the amethyst/purple colour...or whatever that colour is. There was a guy on here about year or two ago from San Francisco who had one that got wrecked. I have only seen one of those, and maybe either 1 or 2 of the 427 grays. I may have bought one a while back. I bought a very cool gray metalic out of Palo Alto, CA with a caved in roof, no reverse and a number of other issues. The guy told me I would need to trailer it since it wouldn't start. Get this, it was just out of gas. I told him if I could get it started than I wasn't worried about driving it the 80 miles to my house since I can usually tell if an 850 is okay or not. Sure enough, it started right up, with a bit of gas, and I drove it home with no problems. The funny thing is that I recall something about him claiming it was an R but I had never heard of one in that colour so I didn't give it much attention. I know that the badges can be bought so I wasn't impressed by any badging, not that I recall. The car had a ton of IPD upgrades, including the ECU (according to the seller...who didn't know all that much since it was his son's car). I bought it for the ECU and other parts but now I am wondering...that might be an R ECU, not a IPD. Since IPD doesn't mark them I don't know how else to tell. I have two turbos, one with a known IPD ECU and then my Yellow T-5R, which has the ECU I got out of the gray car. I have swapped them back and forth before and couldn't tell a difference but then again, I was selling a non-upgraded turbo and was checking all three ECUs to make sure I wasn't selling one of the upgraded ones; It was easy to tell after the first swap which one was the weakest so I didn't check any further than that. I should run the two I have side by side to see if I can notice any difference. Not that the Gray R owner couldn't have upgraded but now that I know there were some gray Rs I will have to check into it. I would rather have two IPD ECUs but if I only have one I want to run it in my daily driver and let the GF drive the non-IPD one in her car. I can't remember if that gray was a '95 or a '96...obviously if it was a '95 than it was not an R. And if it was an R...no worries, the car was damaged enough that there was no point in restoring it no matter how rare that colour is. I am not one to let cars go to the junkyard unless that is the last resort. Hell, I saved a stock '93 850 GLT in GOLD of all colours and the GF has driven it for a couple of years now and loves it...although she is looking forward to the Yellow in about a month.

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