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Mike Is Bummed Cuz Pittsburgh Blew It!

Pops Racer

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Oh man, Mike. Panthers up 31-10 to Cincy, fuckup an extra point and lose 45-44 with 30 seconds to play!


'Bama to take out the Gators.


And Florida kicks off to the Red Tide...see ya.

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i have nothing to say to you right now.

the holder is on the take.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Fucking Tebow whimpering on national TV was way better!!! Suck it up puss, you got a big bowl to play in.

Yesterday was a great college football day. Only thing that would have made it perfect? If Texas had lost. Nebraska defense was awesome. Maybe McCoy would have been crying also.

Maybe Boise State would have gotten a shot. No good team wants to play them in the regular season. I'm rooting for them or TCU to get a chance.

A Texas loss would have made those NCAA football barons freak out! Can we get a D-I playoff please?

USC got beat at home, YEEEEEEHAAAAAAA!


And how bout that QB from Eastern Carolina? 75 passing attempts, 527 yards, 5 td's and 3 picks.

Hell of a day.

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Damn, USC may have lost, but they never choke like Pitt did. WOW, I was speechless when I saw the highlights.

And Texas, man, they should have lost that game, and TCU should be playing Alabama for the title. And we all knew Florida was a weak team....too many cupcakes on the schedule....Alabama had a few also, but not as many.

I still think TCU deserves the spot over Texas, only because of the way they ALMOST lost to Nebraska.

USC, it's time to rebuild. It was a good run for the last 7 years, but all great dynasties must rebuild at times. All you haters can try and hate the fact that USC has put together the most dominant team of this decade, but you will not succeed! Until 2010....FIGHT ON!

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I think we're set to play them in 2012, they refuse to play here in Cincy though... ite because they're pussies. I'll be at the BCS Bowl Selection event tonight when we find out what bowl we're going to.

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I think we're set to play them in 2012, they refuse to play here in Cincy though... ite because they're pussies. I'll be at the BCS Bowl Selection event tonight when we find out what bowl we're going to.

Shit your too young, they use to play it each other just like 5-6 years ago.

Cant wait too see the Cincy vs Florida game. I am hoping Pike shows up the whole game this time.

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And then....

I whine and bitch about my teams losing, so this weekend I'm a winner!!

MY teams are so awesome, I can't express my self! Can I get a witness, praise God-duh!

Manchester United win. Even better Chelsea lost! And Liverpool sinks like a stone!! :P

UCONN football win. They needed that one. Can I get an AMEN!

UCONN men hoops win, barely. They suck this year but Harvard?

Rangers beat the Saber's on the road

Knickerbockers get the Nets back to their losing ways, have mercy!

The G-men sweep Dallas, Oh Glory is mine sayeth the righteous!!

And the pain continues in western PA, as the slobbering Steelers fall to the lowly RAIDUHS!

And then....

The Pats lose to da fish! Man if Only Texas had lost Saturday, this would have been the best sports weekend evaaarrrr.

Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord...

Sorry Mike I had to repost this! Rangers lost to the Wings last night at home if that makes you feel any better. Probably not.

No love for Boise State or TCU.

UCONN plays South Carolina, in the Pizza Bowl, we're excited. You know what they say in South Carolina? "You can't lick our 'Cocks!"

They are the Gamecocks, get it? :P

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The Pats lose to da fish! Man if Only Texas had lost Saturday, this would have been the best sports weekend evaaarrrr.

+1 Saturday was all round great, I do wish the horns had completed their collapse. (and Nebraska had some kind of offense)

I lost all my power for 12 hours Sunday and it was 28 degrees and blowing outside.

NFL courtesy the westwood network on the gym portable. FTL

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if pike shows up the whole game, that will be amazing, i think i might be going...

Do me a favor....go take a shit on Brian Kellys doorstep. Our society is such a joke. Greed and individualism triumphs honor and respect once again.

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