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Dyeing Carpet Floor Mats


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just wondering if one could take a set of tan floor mats, and match them to my black interior?


yes but it normally turns out like shit and is never as nice as the original, i would just buy the color carpet you want.

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the dyes for the synthetic fibers don't do so well in a at home application is what i've been told.

Now, when I got the Wife's 98 V70 it had black mats that were kinda odd textured.

After a year or two, and a paper route they were looking kinda sandy in the center wear area so i took em out to clean them, only to discover they were in fact tan mays that were (i'd assume) spray painted black. and the paint had worn off.

now they look extra crappy. wish the previous owner/dealer/who-ever-did-it had just left them alone.

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does anyone have any experience dying carpet, period? Some areas on my 850 tan interior are faded and almost pinkish now, so i was thinking about dying them.

I read *Somewhere* (And I'm sorry I can't remember where, it was volvo related, but thats the best i can do) that if you spray bluing on them it will take the pink out and return them to a tan color. I think the original person used a few "coats" of it.


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I read *Somewhere* (And I'm sorry I can't remember where, it was volvo related, but thats the best i can do) that if you spray bluing on them it will take the pink out and return them to a tan color. I think the original person used a few "coats" of it.


strange...says it's a fabric whitener..hmmm..i might have to try it in a very very very inconspicuous spot...but i'm not sure how that would work if the sun faded my interior, because the color would be gone, not covered up or anything

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