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99 S80T Tranny Probs.


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Im looking at purchasing this car for fairly cheap due to the seller saying it wont shift into higher gears. It has 114k miles.

Im wondering whats the best scenario i can expect to repair and the worst i guess would be needing another tranny. If another tranny is needed, what kinda money am i looking at ?

As far as the best, what could a simple prob. be causing it not to shift into higher gears ? Is there anything i can do or check when i go too look at the car ?

Ive owned a 850 turbo and loved it, but, know very little about the "S" series volvos. Im looking at hopefully picking this one up cheap and buying for the wife if the tranny prob. can be fixed for a reasonable price. What are any known issues with the S80t's ?

thank you for any input....

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if it has any problems with the trans. you'll need to replace it... whether you have to do it now or in 20k miles it's a toss up. If the problem is as much as the trans wont shift then its getting pretty serious, at best it could just be a computer issue.

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thank you for the input, i just realized i put it in the wrong section if the mods wanna move, sorry for that..

thank you for the input, i just realized i put it in the wrong section if the mods wanna move, sorry for that.. what kinda money am i looking at to replace the tranny ??

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