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I don't want to stretch my story into being scammed by him, but he was pretty much down to buy my turbo, and I was holding it for him, until 2 or 3 weeks later when he said he was going to have payment ready, he said "I don't need it, nevermind." Which is totally cool. I didn't have a problem with it, but dealing with people on VS sometimes turns into our group buy lists.

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Here's a summary of what happened from my point of view.

Sept 27th, as stated, Scandalo and I went in on a few parts to combine shipping.

We talked out a list of parts, and almost instantly sent him money via PayPal. October 24th I called Derrick to see why he hadn't given me a tracking number. He said it would all be shipped the following day, and at this point let me know of the parts he couldn't ship, and other parts he'd ship instead. A week goes by, no tracking number... I call again and catch him in the morning, and he tells me they returned it for improper packaging or something? Sternly, I suggested he get it all shipped out.

Originally he said he'd ship me the entire suspension off the XC he was parting out. I ended up only getting the front strut assemblies... which happened to have sand all over them. In place of the rest of the suspension (I had already paid for), he offered to send me a strut tower bar, blue interior light bulbs, spark plugs from his motor, and another part I could request. This is where I asked if his radiator was functional, because I did need that. He told me it was good to go, and that he would send it along. Shows up FULL of sand, and ends up having a crack in it. :angry:

The rest of the parts for me included a master window switch assembly and the fog light assemblies, which he said he would refinish the glass on before sending. He didn't.

Lastly, the strut tower bar, the plugs, and Scandalo's rear window switch never showed up. He told me he forgot the send the smaller items, and would ship them out the following day. As for the strut tower bar, he told me something to the effect of "it must of fell off the skid"... and "sorry." The box and mini skid showed up October 29th.

I'm not bitching about the time it took to send things, though it took longer than even he promised it would. We all get busy, and life happens, sure. It bother me that he feels he doesn't need to be responsible to his commitments because people are 10+ hours away. Lying about the condition of parts is also not cool.

Here, too, I observe the fact that it is buyer beware and all that jazz. He doesn't do anything positive for those around him, in terms of reputation.

@TyConn: dude... things don't magically take a month to ship, so that's no excuse. Just like with the freight order, and any other shipping provider (Fed Ex, UPS, USPS), they show you the day it was shipped.

EDIT: Added some dates to clarify time frames, and had to reword a few sentences, as this whole subject generally pisses me off and affects what little writing skills I have. Sorry about it being a book. <_<

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Here's a summary of what happened from my point of view.

Sept 27th, as stated, Scandalo and I went in on a few parts to combine shipping.

We talked out a list of parts, and almost instantly sent him money via PayPal. October 24th I called Derrick to see why he hadn't given me a tracking number. He said it would all be shipped the following day, and at this point let me know of the parts he couldn't ship, and other parts he'd ship instead. A week goes by, no tracking number... I call again and catch him in the morning, and he tells me they returned it for improper packaging or something? Sternly, I suggested he get it all shipped out.

Originally he said he'd ship me the entire suspension off the XC he was parting out. I ended up only getting the front strut assemblies... which happened to have sand all over them. In place of the rest of the suspension (I had already paid for), he offered to send me a strut tower bar, blue interior light bulbs, spark plugs from his motor, and another part I could request. This is where I asked if his radiator was functional, because I did need that. He told me it was good to go, and that he would send it along. Shows up FULL of sand, and ends up having a crack in it. :angry:

The rest of the parts for me included a master window switch assembly and the fog light assemblies, which he said he would refinish the glass on before sending. He didn't.

Lastly, the strut tower bar, the plugs, and Scandalo's rear window switch never showed up. He told me he forgot the send the smaller items, and would ship them out the following day. As for the strut tower bar, he told me something to the effect of "it must of fell off the skid"... and "sorry." The box and mini skid showed up October 29th.

I'm not bitching about the time it took to send things, though it took longer than even he promised it would. We all get busy, and life happens, sure. It bother me that he feels he doesn't need to be responsible to his commitments because people are 10+ hours away. Lying about the condition of parts is also not cool.

Here, too, I observe the fact that it is buyer beware and all that jazz. He doesn't do anything positive for those around him, in terms of reputation.

@TyConn: dude... things don't magically take a month to ship, so that's no excuse. Just like with the freight order, and any other shipping provider (Fed Ex, UPS, USPS), they show you the day it was shipped.

EDIT: Added some dates to clarify time frames, and had to reword a few sentences, as this whole subject generally pisses me off and affects what little writing skills I have. Sorry about it being a book. <_<

Dude, I was with him when we shipped this crap. It was in great condition. I'm not sure how/where sand got in it, but from what I understand, you ORIGINALLY were going to come down from Ohio to pick it up. YOU were the ones who ended up going with Greyhound instead. It's not like we get in the bus and sit along side the palette all the way to Ohio.

He's a good kid, and IDFK what happened in between shipping and you guys, but I just hate to see him get shit on for this. He's helped me on many occasions, and every part I've ever gotten from him has been in great condition, INCLUDING an intercooler and condenser off the same "Sand filled" radiator.

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Dude, I was with him when we shipped this crap. It was in great condition. I'm not sure how/where sand got in it, but from what I understand, you ORIGINALLY were going to come down from Ohio to pick it up. YOU were the ones who ended up going with Greyhound instead. It's not like we get in the bus and sit along side the palette all the way to Ohio.

He's a good kid, and IDFK what happened in between shipping and you guys, but I just hate to see him get shit on for this. He's helped me on many occasions, and every part I've ever gotten from him has been in great condition, INCLUDING an intercooler and condenser off the same "Sand filled" radiator.

Did you help him ship it out from a sea port or something? Were you there the first time it got shipped and then returned, or the second time where it all actually shipped?

Initially, we had talked about driving out to get everything, but it was just talked about. Ultimately it wasn't worth it to me to drive through, or even around NYC. I couldn't be away from my clientele that long at that point in time. His response is (and I quote) "That's fine if you don't want to drive down, I'll ship anything you want. I'll just put everything on a single pallet, pad and wrap the hell out of it all so nothing gets damaged."

In the same message I got "Are the fogs still something you're interested in? I'll refinish the glass and ship them for $100 dollars." Guess what part didn't happen?

As for the radiator... not only was it full of sand, it was packed in. I had to use an air compressor and water hose to clean it out, as you couldn't even see through it. Weird thing was, when I got it, it was wrapped in plastic......... in a box! Thankfully, there was a crack in the plastic side of the rad, right below the top coolant port...... we had to cut the upper rad hose held on by a hose clamp with the bolt sheered off (can take pictures if you would like). Pro. I fixed it, but not before being surprised by an epic leak. Now the only thing I'm leaking is serious sarcasm.

While I will not contest whether he's a good guy or not, I'm sure he's helped you that's all fine and well. He was very cool to me on the phone and we talked for quite a while about Volvo BS. I'm sure he's a good friend to you. It doesn't help me, Scandalo, or HPTDoh get our parts, though, does it?

As stated before... it's pretty aggravating when he's been PM'd about missing parts... he logs in, reads it, and never replies.

I try my damnedest to give people the benefit of the doubt. It seems when I do that, they burn you the hardest.


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In the shipping department? How about the "tearing up the Lars Anderson parking lot" department too :blink:

dude...let it go already

Says the guy who ships ECU with no packaging? Holy Irony Batman!

Tyler's talking about a completly different thing. Some mud got thrown around at Swedish Car Day.

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@TyConn: dude... things don't magically take a month to ship, so that's no excuse. Just like with the freight order, and any other shipping provider (Fed Ex, UPS, USPS), they show you the day it was shipped.

Dude, I was with him when we shipped this crap. It was in great condition. I'm not sure how/where sand got in it, but from what I understand, you ORIGINALLY were going to come down from Ohio to pick it up. YOU were the ones who ended up going with Greyhound instead. It's not like we get in the bus and sit along side the palette all the way to Ohio.

He's a good kid, and IDFK what happened in between shipping and you guys, but I just hate to see him get stuff on for this. He's helped me on many occasions, and every part I've ever gotten from him has been in great condition, INCLUDING an intercooler and condenser off the same "Sand filled" radiator.

No more fighting kids, I have this case figured out. Here's what really happened:

Many weeks ago, DHV70 and friends got all of the parts boxed and shipped in good condition, and sent them on their way via Greyhound.

On the way, the MAGICAL Volvospeed fairy put sand in the radiator for reasons unknown.

It is clear that DHV70 is simply a victim of the MAGICAL Volvospeed fairy and her evil sand-planting shenanigans.

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