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Mbc Installed, Having Boost Issues

Furious E

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So I installed my NXS el-cheapo eBay MBC last night and with the screw turned all the way in (minimum boost) went out and drove around for a bit. Max boost seemed to be around 12 psi or so, occasionally spiking around fifteen. Keep in mind this is with the MBC turned all the way down. I then came back in and turned the screw out one more turn, hoping to be around 14 psi or so. I then drove it again, gingerly at first, and all seemed fine but once i started spooling the turbo a bit harder was hitting 15 psi easy and saw as much as 17 or so and had the ECU pull the spark on me a few times (stock T5 ECU) which was kinda scary. So today I turned the MBC back down all the way and am still running over 15 psi no problem at somewhat less than full throttle, maybe 80% or so. First, this is odd because this is inconsistent with the results I was seeing last night. Additionally, it seems to boost to around 12 psi or so and hold that level before suddenly shooting to 15+ with no change in throttle. All I want is to be able to maintain a safe level of boost without having to constantly watch the boost gauge and my right foot.

Basically, I'm just a bit baffled as to what is going on here exactly and what is causing it. I guess this is what you would call boost creep (i think). I know there are probably 500 threads on this already but the search feature is crap and I had a hard time finding anything useful. One possible solution i thought of was just putting a thinner jam nut on the controller thus allowing the screw to be turned in more, but this would be silly i suppose if there is some other issue causing this anyways.

Point of information, I have the controller hooked up according to a VS write up and I'm 99.999999% sure that its hooked up properly.

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Haha, well as it turns out I am in fact retarded and upon further reasoning have concluded that all the way out is actually minimum boost, rather than all the way in, in regards to the screw that is. Fancy that.

And yes, I have read the reviews on VS and elsewhere and as much as I would love a Hallman, $70+ isn't in this college student's budget for a boost controller, unfortunately. If I can get similar enough results for ~1/4 the cost, then thats the route I'll choose. I have it set at 11psi or so for safety's sake right now. I figure this gives some margin for error in the event of spiking.

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Haha, well as it turns out I am in fact retarded and upon further reasoning have concluded that all the way out is actually minimum boost, rather than all the way in, in regards to the screw that is. Fancy that.

And yes, I have read the reviews on VS and elsewhere and as much as I would love a Hallman, $70+ isn't in this college student's budget for a boost controller, unfortunately. If I can get similar enough results for ~1/4 the cost, then thats the route I'll choose. I have it set at 11psi or so for safety's sake right now. I figure this gives some margin for error in the event of spiking.

good call.. yeah...when i had my cheapo mbc in the begining it was soo bad i honestly couldn't tell if in or out made it higher or lower....it seemed like any change at all made it higher.... scary stuff lol

i understand the halman is expensive... i bought mine used of a DSM buddy of mine when he was parting out his car...i didn't think it would be worth it...but now i am so happy i bought it when i had the chance (even though money was tight, i was working at subway lol)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Haha, well as it turns out I am in fact retarded and upon further reasoning have concluded that all the way out is actually minimum boost, rather than all the way in, in regards to the screw that is. Fancy that.

And yes, I have read the reviews on VS and elsewhere and as much as I would love a Hallman, $70+ isn't in this college student's budget for a boost controller, unfortunately. If I can get similar enough results for ~1/4 the cost, then thats the route I'll choose. I have it set at 11psi or so for safety's sake right now. I figure this gives some margin for error in the event of spiking.

Bingo...the nxs cheapie brass mbc you're referring to is my favorite mbc. I have replaced hallman's and other high end mbc's with them. MBC's are a simple device, and shouldn't dictate spending more than the nxs costs ($19). However, as with any mbc, it pays to have it installed in the right direction, and to understand that the more pressure you put on the spring and ball inside, the more boost response you will get. So, lefty loosy (less boost), righty tighty (more boost). These cheapie mbcs can be modified internally for more psi too by simply adding a larger spring with more tension from an ink pen. The only thing to worry about is if the spring gets turned around and lodged lengthwise. Then there will be no effect on boost. That's only happened with one of mine. What can I say, I guess I'm a cheapskate. nxs mbc's ftw.

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Bingo...the nxs cheapie brass mbc you're referring to is my favorite mbc. I have replaced hallman's and other high end mbc's with them. MBC's are a simple device, and shouldn't dictate spending more than the nxs costs ($19). However, as with any mbc, it pays to have it installed in the right direction, and to understand that the more pressure you put on the spring and ball inside, the more boost response you will get. So, lefty loosy (less boost), righty tighty (more boost). These cheapie mbcs can be modified internally for more psi too by simply adding a larger spring with more tension from an ink pen. The only thing to worry about is if the spring gets turned around and lodged lengthwise. Then there will be no effect on boost. That's only happened with one of mine. What can I say, I guess I'm a cheapskate. nxs mbc's ftw.

Yea twenty dollars is the reasonable limit on what I was willing to spend for what it is. I've since added some Teflon tape to the threads and that makes a big difference, boost is much more stable now. The most apparent flaw flaw that I've seen in the NXS design is exactly what you're talking about with the spring in that it does not at all fit inside its housing. I suspect this could cause some binding and whatnot during the travel of the spring which could potentially cause some erratic boost conditions. Also, a lighter ball would have less of a damping effect on the spring, hence the ceramic ball mbc's i guess.

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i'm with you hoss, $40 is about my limit for an MBC. Ive ran several $10 units with zero problems, it's caveman tech.

This all sounds like false economy to me. The difference is $30 to $40 to get a proven Halman (that everyone in the Turbo community knows is the best).

Do you guys with this mentality buck up and spend the extra change for "premium" fuel in your turbo cars, or are you saving money by only getting 87 octane?!?

Same difference if you ask me.

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