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'94 850 upgrade-all I want is a reliable sytem, nothing too loud just to please my ears.

5.25" kappa infinity for the front w/2 way crossover and 90dB efficiency

5X7" kappa infinity for the rear deck-same specs with more bass response

50X4 channel clarion amp for the medium sized beef-signal to noise ratio 100dB

blaupunkt-casablanca head unit with Bing's reccomended 4 volt preamp

I am leaving out the rear doors for lack of money,but the time will come for that as well

I am nervous cause this is a lot of money in one shot(for a college student), so let me hear some positive reinforcement if deserved. This is my first car and my first upgrade

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'94 850 upgrade-all I want is a reliable sytem, nothing too loud just to please my ears.

5.25" kappa infinity for the front w/2 way crossover and 90dB efficiency

5X7" kappa infinity for the rear deck-same specs with more bass response

50X4 channel clarion amp for the medium sized beef-signal to noise ratio 100dB

blaupunkt-casablanca head unit with Bing's reccomended 4 volt preamp

I am leaving out the rear doors for lack of money,but the time will come for that as well

I am nervous cause this is a lot of money in one shot(for a college student), so let me hear some positive reinforcement if deserved. This is my first car and my first upgrade

you were doing so well until you said "Blaupunkt" You can do better than that... :)


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Blue Dots are not bad.

They are the factory HU's for many fine automobiles.

I rank them on the same level as a Sony or Kenwood.

I only wish more companies would make more Dead Head models. (HU's with no internal amps, only pre-out only).

I personally prefer Eclipse. I know Bing has had issues with them, but the two I have owed were awesome.

As far as speakers. Like I have said a million times. You will never be happy with the Bass response from the front speakers. If you never plan to install a sub. The rear decks are you only option. If you plan to put in a sub, put the speakers in the rear doors.

brr2f, I think what you have listed is a very good basic system and you will be happy with the performance. It will not pound you with bass, but it will be clean.

If you want to streatch your dollars, look on ebay for used amps. Sometimes you can find a steal on a high end amp, just look at their feedback and ensure it is fully working. Look for Zapco, Lunar, Xtant. But if you are unsure of what you are looking for or how to install it, new is the best way to go.

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Hey another idea for supreme sound would be a set of Reference series MbQuarts. I got the components and took out the stock tweeters in the dash and put those up there custom fit. You can then put the 5.25" speakers in the front doors. You can also custom fit a pair in the rear deck. I wouldnt worry too much about the rear doors as you wouldn't really hear them anyways. If you put the speakers in the rear deck the sound will bounce off the back window and back up front tword you. The same for the front tweets...off the winshield and at you. These speakers don't require a lot of power (50-80watts) and seriously will sound better than most other speakers. You can find them on ebay for fairly cheap too...prolly about $125-150 a pair. Good luck! :D

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I have a similar setup to what you plan on getting. I actually have the exact speaker configuration, just a different HU and 4 ch amp. I also have two 12w0 JL subs in the trunk.

needless to say, i'm dissappointed in my setup quite a bit. I feel like I have no midrange or midbass. Plenty of bass down low and really clear highs, but i was driving around in my old car this last weekend (a trooper) and i am embarrased to say that it had a better balance to it than my car post spending a ton of money.

The problem as far as I can tell is that the 5.25" speakers are too small up front to really get any good midrange. The 5x7s in the back deck don't have a real enclosure, so they are not going to be able to produce the rich bass you are expecting them to. If you made an enclosure for them it might help.

What I'm planning on doing at this point is selling my JLs and the amp powering them. They take up too much space in my trunk. I also want to look into either selling my 5x7s and putting in some pods up front (so i could get a larger speaker up there) or making enclosures for my rear deck speakers (though I fear that this would look tacky (and non-stealth). Maybe get a new sub if I can get the rest of my system more balanced out.

The funny thing is that for some music my setup sounds great. Somewhat electronic stuff is AMAZING, however for everything else (indie/rock/jazz) the system is just a big letdown.

If i were you, I would look into getting pods. Seriously. If you want some sound for the passengers in back, go with door speakers just so that you get the benefits of a somewhat sealed enclosure. Besides, to get those 5x7s in your deck, you are going to have to do quite a bit of dremeling to your new speakers and your volvo plastic enclosures (trust me).

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The funny thing is that for some music my setup sounds great.  Somewhat electronic stuff is AMAZING, however for everything else (indie/rock/jazz) the system is just a big letdown. 

Thats because you're pushing 2 12's... That's not the setup you want for Rock/Indi. For rock, you'd want a smaller woofer, = more response. I have one JLW012 and it shakes the earth when I have like Oakenfold or Tiesto on, but for like Modest Mouse, or The Shins on, its not that spectacular. Building a system based on wide music tastes isn't eaasy. See my setupHere

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Thats because you're pushing 2 12's... That's not the setup you want for Rock/Indi. For rock, you'd want a smaller woofer, = more response. I have one JLW012 and it shakes the earth when I have like Oakenfold or Tiesto on, but for like Modest Mouse, or The Shins on, its not that spectacular. Building a system based on wide music tastes isn't eaasy. See my setupHere

That's true. Two 12s aren't going to have the response I need for that sort of music, especially stuff like the bled, etc, with double bass pedals. However, my main problem is still that I need a larger driver up front IMO. I just have too much of a gap in my audio spectrum I feel...

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a few things i want to note as my opinion:

1. your system is fine in terms of sound above 80hz, but if you really want to have a balanced music, i would echo the sentiment that instead of spending on rear deck speakers, get a small sub, and use the rear two channels to power the sub.

2. blaupunkt is a fine headunit, performance on par with other major barnds in its price category, hands down one of hte best am/fm tuners on the market...basically, people who dont like blau is becuase of their looks, but form a performance quality standpoint, its not bad at all.

3. size of the sub dont neccessarily dictate the kind of music it will be good for. it has more to do with tuning, the type of enclosure, and the type of sub. the kinds of subs i like, whcih mostly are in the 10 and 12" sizes, will play virtually any type of music well when installed and tuned correctly. a good example would be image dynamics idqs... so, i would say your problem, tbkyo, is not becuase you ahve two 12" jls, but your front sepakres not being able to produce enough midbass frequency.

4. back to the original questions, i am not sure how much you are paying exactly for the stuff you listed, but going by retail cost, i would definetly say you can get a little more powr from other brand amps, and then use the rear deck money on a small, low power sub.

5. more power and subwoofer does NOT mean neccearily booming, or blasting, or going deaf, infact, power and subs are essential elements of a sound QUALITY install ;)

good luck.


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so, i would say your problem, tbkyo, is not becuase you ahve two 12" jls, but your front sepakres not being able to produce enough midbass frequency.

Well, i believe that the problem with my bass is that it hits late. It's just not as responsive as I would like it to be for my music. But I agree, the size has nothing to do with my lack of midbass problem, that's a problem with my other speakers, not the subs at all....

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my 2cents......

Ditch the rear deck setup and use two channels on the amp to run the front setup, and the other two bridged to a sub in the trunk.

I have to agree with this statement. If you take out the rear deck speakers, your bass resonates in the cabin much better (assuming that you have a sedan).

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I ended up sticking with the 5.25 infinity kappa's in front and a 8" kicker in the back to run off of the other 2 channels at 100W. hopefully it will be rounded enough to put up with until I go further into the installation. I'll have it set up in about a week or two and I will give my opinion on a real factual basis instead of reading specs and so on. Wish me luck on the install. I already am psyched up.

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Sounds good brr2f. IMO you will get tighter, punchier bass by doing four things,

1) SEAL that 8 in a small simple enclosure (check kickers website for sealed box recommendations).

2) give it about 200 watts or more.

3) set the low pass freq at 80hz or below and use as steep a slope as you can (18db or 24db slope). higher up (above 100) the sub loses efficiency AND sounds like mud in a garbage can (NOT GOOD)

4) set the high pass on your components at OR above 60-90HZ. lETTING THEM PLAY LOWER IS enticing b/c you think "oooh more bass" but speakers like the components arent made to play much lower than 60-90 so keeping them only playing the midrange and up will allow you to go louder and CLEANER, turning your gains up some more:)!

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