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Ugh, Got A Ticket.


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Well I was headed down 132n'd and out of nowhere a cop pulls slightly forward out of a street to expose himself, and he nabbed me.

14 over, $154, Could have been worse, but thats a big ticket.

Edit: This happened yesterday.

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Plead not guilty, tell the prosecutor some BS story and you'll usually get a reduction.

I'm just going to pay it off and be done with it, Simple enough.

Those wheels are going to have to wait a little longer.

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Don't be an idiot. Plead not guilty, and if it's your first speeding offense in the past year, you'll almost certainly be offered the opportunity to take a half-day driving class (mine cost $50) in lieu of the ticket. Even if you're ballin' enough that you don't care about the $104 difference enough to want to sit in a room full of habitual DUI offenders for 6 hours, don't forget about the insurance increase you're gonna be feelin' every month for the next 7 years.

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Is this your first ticket? if so, do the mitigation choice on the back of your ticket. Basically you plead guilty and offer to go to traffic school or have it taken off your record and still pay the fine. Many of my friends who have sped well over 14 mph over the speed limit have gotten it taken off.

I did it when I got a ticket going up to Crystal mountian doing 18 over and got it taken off free of charge. So definately don't plead guilty your insurance will spike so much that I doubt your parents will want you to drive.

Another option is defferment, which basically says you pay the ticket but you get it off your record, the way it works is if you get another ticket within 12 months of having it deffered then it stays on your record. If you stay without another ticket for that amount of time its wiped off your record.

I say don't pay it, especially because its easy to get it off and cops are dicks sometimes

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I got one about 2 months ago. 56 in a 40 and I was still getting passed by others lol. The ticket was like $115 but the police officer told me to defer so that's what I did. Costs a $100 dollars and as long as I drive 16 mph slower than everyone else on Aurora I'm good.  :) 

On the back of the ticket check "mitigation"

Then when you get the paper work it will have a court date or you can do a written response. I wrote a written since I wouldn't be able to make it to court due to school/work/work.

After that you will get a thing in the mail saying the magistrate blah, blah blah, chosen to defer etc and pay $100 by whatever date and your good. Just don't fuck up again.

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Voice of expereience - listen to him - LOL! Kinda expensive for a simple ticket I would imagine?

I think its 300 for a speeding ticket. 100% success rate so far! 2 negligent driving charges dropped!

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A deferral would offer you a non payment of fine and complete dismissal - no ticket on your record - IF you didn't get an infraction within the next 12 months. If you were to get an infraction you are responsible for the entire cost of the original infraction being the $154. If you have never had a ticket mitigate it and ask the judge for the deferral if you trust yourself. Otherwise listen to SmyD, because as a male you will get raped on your insurance for the next 3-5 years and $300 is much less than you would spend in the long run. BUT if you really want the wheels get it deferred, provided it's your first offense.

BTW I've been pulled over in the Volvo twice. Once in DT Everett at a stop light for my tinted license plate cover and again for suspected DUI in Lynnwood at 3am on I-5. Not invisible. Believe it or not my FD RX-7 gets just as little attention from the cops (4x for no front plate), and it has a straight through exhaust... Puzzling.

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