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Snag On Removing Headlight Wiper Motor


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I'm removing my headlight wiper motors and replacing them with working ones. Removed and replaced the driver side with no problems, but I have run into a problem on my passenger side wiper. I need to remove the ribbed plastic piece (see picture) in order to remove the wiper motor. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to remove it, or at least get it enough out of the way to do anything.



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Yeah... that ribbed thing is pretty damn important. I could not move it nearly enough, and if you force it too much you'll be rewiring your car. This is why removing the passenger side one is a well-documented pain in the a$$. you might be able to force it out, but you may regret that course of action.

2 main options

1) cut wiper shaft and then remove from car (will require #2 to replace)

2) remove the radiator support

you don't need to remove the support completely, just unbolt it on the sides and remove the wiring support above the fan. that should allow it to move out of the way enough to get the pos out.

(did ya read the write-ups?)

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Yeah... that ribbed thing is pretty damn important. I could not move it nearly enough, and if you force it too much you'll be rewiring your car. This is why removing the passenger side one is a well-documented pain in the a$$. you might be able to force it out, but you may regret that course of action.

2 main options

1) cut wiper shaft and then remove from car (will require #2 to replace)

2) remove the radiator support

you don't need to remove the support completely, just unbolt it on the sides and remove the wiring support above the fan. that should allow it to move out of the way enough to get the pos out.

(did ya read the write-ups?)

I didn't see a write up for specifically removing the pass motor assembly. Guess Ill take a hammer and "persuade" the motor to get the hell of of there :lol:

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I didn't see a write up for specifically removing the pass motor assembly. Guess Ill take a hammer and "persuade" the motor to get the hell of of there :lol:

hehe yeah they're not anything wordy, they mostly just say it's a major pita and you need to remove the header panel. A second pair of hands on the loosened header panel and it's a 2 minute extraction.

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