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What Do You Think About Christians?


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Subject: Babylon is falling in Germany

Huge posters have appeared on walls in Germany asking for 'Babylon to Fall!"

The fact is that in Germany people are forced to pay a considerable

tax to the church they belong. This money is deducted at source,

automatically from their salary, unless they go to the appropriate municipal

office and officially cancel their membership to their church. People have been

disgusted with the many scandals that have come to the fore lately and

there is now a movement encouraging citizens to literally 'Get out of her my


They are quoting Rev.18:4 saying "if you do not want to share with her in

her sins".

Please read the attachment. Scroll down, the first part is in German, the

translation in English appears below it "The great day of Jehovah is near. It is near, and there is

a hurrying of it very much" (Zephaniah 1:14)

Never-ending Church scandals: That's enough for me! Exit the church NOW!

Why do you want you support those who: have committed felonies on innocent

children and/or have tolerated such crimes. Who are immensely rich, who

strips from us, the taxpayers, an additional $18,657,500,000, and more, each


Who carouse in luxury and ask others, who have a hard time making a

living,to step to the plate? Who have positioned themselves, with 37

privileges, above the common citizens and outside the law, which applies to

everyone.who does this all under the fraudulent label: christian, yet if

truth be told, these are nothing but pagan cults.

These are the ones upon whon the famous (German) church historian Deschner*

writes: I don't know of any other organization in theworld, which has

endured; existed for such a long time, while having encumbered and being

burdened with such abominable crimes..."

Don't fear the church's monopolistic claims, Like marriage- and burial

rituals, family feasts, etc. These all exist without Church and casting

shadow. Even "eternal damnation" is nothing but an invention by the church,

dating to the year 553 (C.E.) God loves you, without a priest and without a

Church built from stone. Dare to to step into freedom!

Already John from Patmos gave this advice: (Rev. 18:4): get out of her, my

people, if you do not want to share in her sins and do not want to share in

her plagues".

Free citizens for decency and ethical values. Go now to your bureau to

declare your exit (local court* or hall of records)! Receive free assistance

and a free brochure: Exit-Hotline: 09301 / 66 83,

www.Spart-euch-die-Kirche.de <http://www.spart-euch-die-kirche.de/> )

(forget your church)

I :wub: random emails :lol:

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AA meetings.

I'm a Christian, but most Christians weird me out. It seems like a religion that is fueled by people who use Christianity to overcome difficulties (poverty, addictions, jail etc.). Not saying all Christians are like this, but most of the devout Christians I have met have been.

Perhaps it is because I have seen more of Islam than Christianity. Islam (in the Middle East) is driven by people who are born into the culture of Islam. Even the "secular" elements of their lives are visibly influenced by Islam. Then I see devout Christians here in America, a country that is NOT religious, and I get confused. They just seem out of place, like they must be brainwashed or something.

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Oh, more BS?

Worship the Rainbow Trout or die an eweygooey icky death. And have your carcass eaten by huge bears.

Let the bashing begin.

No atheists in fox holes.

Or with bad hangovers. Or with pregnant girlfriends. Or after they fuck up dads BMW.

Anyone? Bueller?

This country was founded by persecuted Christians...

Discuss among yourselves.

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