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What Do You Think About Christians?


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I wouldn't go as far as to say that Christians are brain washed.

Look at our society today. Most people believe the absolute crap the politicians tell us. Change? Seems like more of the same and more debt to me

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I wouldn't go as far as to say that Christians are brain washed.

Look at our society today. Most people believe the absolute crap the politicians tell us. Change? Seems like more of the same and more debt to me

Obama is a mooslem, isn't this thread bout dat der Christianity, boy?

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<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="

name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

embed code eff-up. I was trying to post a clip from Jesus Camp about Harry Potter :)

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From what I have seen, most of the people on this site don't have a favorable view of organized religion in general.

In contemporary society, I think many people just question the need for religion. With the high degree of cultural exchange that is possible in this global era, I think that strong religiosity only hinders progress/development. Most of the atrocities we have seen committed have been in the name of religion. The Cold War is one of the biggest black/white, good/evil systems that many would consider to be secular. In reality, the Cold War was actually largely driven by religion (the "godless" communists)!

Religion just tweaks me out.

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From what I have seen, most of the people on this site don't have a favorable view of organized religion in general.

In contemporary society, I think many people just question the need for religion. With the high degree of cultural exchange that is possible in this global era, I think that strong religiosity only hinders progress/development. Most of the atrocities we have seen committed have been in the name of religion. The Cold War is one of the biggest black/white, good/evil systems that many would consider to be secular. In reality, the Cold War was actually largely driven by religion (the "godless" communists)!

Religion just tweaks me out.

Bingo. For me personally, that trend extends to most of the people I know. Seems like quite a handful in my area were raised with religion in their life and as they grew older, many let it leave their life. I used to go to church until I was maybe 10? My mom decided I could make the decision my self, and I haven't looked back. She kept going for a little while after that but has since stopped as well.

Couldn't agree with you more, greasy. I just don't see the need for religion in my life. I'm happy with a commonly agreed upon moral code established by society, but I don't need it to be handed down from 'god'. Does that mean my 'jesus' wears blue and carries a gun? :lol: I watch Intervention on A/E every Monday, and decided I'm fucked if I develop a problem that leads me to rehab since most of them seem to believe the solution is faith in religion.

As for my opinion on Christians, it varies greatly depending on the person. I've seen/heard some stuff that creeps me out that people could actually say and believe. On the flip side, most of the practicing christians I know rarely mention it in day-to-day life. We all still have some christian-related culture in our lives. Hell, my family still celebrates 'easter', but it's really just a name for an excuse to hang out with family and eat like a fat kid. The one negative opinion I have of christians is that some want to set laws that reflect their biblical moral code, which subjects all citizens to their religious belief and that drives me up the wall. I realize that I said I support a commonly agreed upon moral code, but I mean that only in the loosest way. No unprovoked murder and that's about it :P

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Bingo. For me personally, that trend extends to most of the people I know. Seems like quite a handful in my area were raised with religion in their life and as they grew older, many let it leave their life. I used to go to church until I was maybe 10? My mom decided I could make the decision my self, and I haven't looked back. She kept going for a little while after that but has since stopped as well.

Couldn't agree with you more, greasy. I just don't see the need for religion in my life. I'm happy with a commonly agreed upon moral code established by society, but I don't need it to be handed down from 'god'. Does that mean my 'jesus' wears blue and carries a gun? :lol: I watch Intervention on A/E every Monday, and decided I'm monkeyed if I develop a problem that leads me to rehab since most of them seem to believe the solution is faith in religion.

As for my opinion on Christians, it varies greatly depending on the person. I've seen/heard some stuff that creeps me out that people could actually say and believe. On the flip side, most of the practicing christians I know rarely mention it in day-to-day life. We all still have some christian-related culture in our lives. Hell, my family still celebrates 'easter', but it's really just a name for an excuse to hang out with family and eat like a fat kid. The one negative opinion I have of christians is that some want to set laws that reflect their biblical moral code, which subjects all citizens to their religious belief and that drives me up the wall. I realize that I said I support a commonly agreed upon moral code, but I mean that only in the loosest way. No unprovoked murder and that's about it :P

Props on your mom for letting you make the decision yourself, although I would have recommended that it would have been a little later; say when you were 15 or 16 or so. Kids tend to make.....not great decisions :lol:

I also agree with you on hearing stuff that creeps you out. I've heard many stories about people being possessed by demons and other things that are just freaky. And yes, most regular practicing Christians don't really mention things that will blow your mind on the creepy side. However, many Christians love to talk about God's blessings in their life and lessons that God is teaching them. Take for example my car: I've been thinking that my 850 was invincible; that it would never die on me and that it would run forever. Then it broke down and I started to learn that nothing in this world is permanent and that there really is no point in having trust in anything in this world. Everything we know and love could fall apart tomorrow and we could do nothing about it.

In regards to society's moral code. WHAT moral code? :lol: But seriously though, society's moral code is, in my opinion, down the garbage. Look at how men treat women in this country, and you will understand. Now I have made the choice of waiting until marriage to have sex, because I regard it as something incredibly special and sacred. That topic, in itself, can go in another thread and be discussed :P

Christianity isn't just a religion, it's a relationship and a way of life

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Re: 10yrs, I see what you mean, but at the same time, couldn't we say if religion was meant to be in my life, I would have been guided by fate/higher power?

Re: Your distrust with finite objects. Oddly cynical from a religious fellow, but I won't say you're wrong :lol:

We obviously differ on our standard of moral code expected of our society. I think we need less rules than we have now :P How men treat women, interesting point. There have been plenty of religious sexists. I don't need a bible to tell me when a man hits a woman, you step up to the plate. Maybe people laughed at a side comment made from one man to his girlfriend, but people still asked "why are you with him if he acts like that?" Granted, that's hardely a gender-isolated problem.

I was raised to believe that sex was something you did when you were married, but I can tell you that very few people I knew graduated a virgin. Sure, there were mistakes made, hearts broken, too much trust in someone who didn't care, etc but overall, most participants seemed ok or perhaps learned a life lesson quickly. Very few were overly promiscious. I can't think of anyone I know who has regretted having sex before they were married; just regrets about doing something with a particular person. And I'm not sure those regrets are of the act itself, but regrets of trusting and being in ar elationship with them; putting time and devotion in to a relationship to have the other violate it. Don't need sex to feel used. Life goes on, and you are wiser the next time.

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I think the point I was trying to make about finite objects was about things like cars :lol: seriously, cars just hate me :(

On religious sexists....don't even get me started :lol: It's so sad to see people use the bible to justify actions towards women.

I completely agree with you on the point that you don't need to have sex to feel used. I see that all of the time with many people that I know.

On sex before marriage....I find it interesting that many of the people that you know do not regret having sex before marriage. I do understand your point that you made, and I fully agree with you that sex, in itself, is not wrong. It's the attachment and the person that the regrets are made about. Many of my good friends decided to have sex when they were in High School and they regret it; not the act in itself, but that they allowed themselves to be dragged down by that person.

Just to throw this out there: I have no intention on keeping this thread solely on opinions of Christianity. Letting it flow where it needs to will provoke discussions that might put some insight onto subjects we don't normally think about.

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On sex before marriage....I find it interesting that many of the people that you know do not regret having sex before marriage. I do understand your point that you made, and I fully agree with you that sex, in itself, is not wrong. It's the attachment and the person that the regrets are made about. Many of my good friends decided to have sex when they were in High School and they regret it; not the act in itself, but that they allowed themselves to be dragged down by that person.

The insecure are the ones who get hurt. They are chasing for attention, and readily accept. But let's say you're in a close relationship with someone for a year. Having sex isn't going to change how you'll feel when the relationship's over. Unless... you've held that on a pedistal so valuable to you that when it's over, you feel like it was wasted.

Secret: The first time isn't magical. It's awkward and lasts 20 seconds if you're lucky :lol:

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In regards to society's moral code. WHAT moral code? :lol: But seriously though, society's moral code is, in my opinion, down the garbage. Look at how men treat women in this country, and you will understand. Now I have made the choice of waiting until marriage to have sex, because I regard it as something incredibly special and sacred. That topic, in itself, can go in another thread and be discussed :P

Christianity isn't just a religion, it's a relationship and a way of life

There is definitely a moral code. It all depends on how you are brought up, not on how religious you are! I know plenty of people who are fervently religious, yet do "immoral" stuff all the time.

I haven't been to church since I was 4, yet I feel like I have decently strong morals. Yeah, I have fun in life... but I like to think I have found a good balance. Have never cheated on a test once, don't take advantage of girls, etc. My parents raised me to be respectful, so I am.

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