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What Do You Think About Christians?


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There is definitely a moral code. It all depends on how you are brought up, not on how religious you are! I know plenty of people who are fervently religious, yet do "immoral" stuff all the time.

I haven't been to church since I was 4, yet I feel like I have decently strong morals. Yeah, I have fun in life... but I like to think I have found a good balance. Have never cheated on a test once, don't take advantage of girls, etc. My parents raised me to be respectful, so I am.

I agree with you. Moral code depends on how you are raised. What I am saying is that Christians values will help raise better children as they will see the world differently

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Dude your putting the tazzy on the pedistal :lol:

it takes work to obtain it. currently I have been dating my girlfriend for almost a year and it will be another year until we're engaged; another year after that until marriage.

so 2 years until I get to have sex for the first time :D

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The bears are coming.

I suppose the Ten Commandments are BS. But that was the Jews anyway.

Ahh, do what ever you want, theres no consequences anymore, no personal responsibility, you didnt kill that guy cuz your a murdering ahole, its your environments fault. Or your parents Or the white man, any body but you.

And a blowjob aint sex.

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The bears are coming.

I suppose the Ten Commandments are BS. But that was the Jews anyway.

Ahh, do what ever you want, theres no consequences anymore, no personal responsibility, you didnt kill that guy cuz your a murdering ahole, its your environments fault. Or your parents Or the white man, any body but you.

And a blowjob aint sex.

Our nation was founded on principles found in the 10 commandments.

Unfortunately, that's how our society thinks today: that it's never your fault; it's always someone else's fault. people need to buck up and take responsibility for what they do.

FYI, blowjob = oral sex. PWND

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I'm not sure the point of this thread, but its interesting none the less

I'm surprised to hear some of the responses about people's view of christianity since I'm not sure what is inherently bad about believing in religion, since the things they teach are good for people and society as a whole.

At the core of christianity is having love and forgiveness, and having a relationship with God.

I believe that the values of society are declining and it is because of the mindset that we need to take religion out of all things in society. This country was founded on those principles and people are losing sight of what is really important.

It's not just the values of right and wrong, but also people are much less apt to helping people, being generous, and respecting people.

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I'm not sure the point of this thread, but its interesting none the less

I'm surprised to hear some of the responses about people's view of christianity since I'm not sure what is inherently bad about believing in religion, since the things they teach are good for people and society as a whole.

At the core of christianity is having love and forgiveness, and having a relationship with God.

I believe that the values of society are declining and it is because of the mindset that we need to take religion out of all things in society. This country was founded on those principles and people are losing sight of what is really important.

It's not just the values of right and wrong, but also people are much less apt to helping people, being generous, and respecting people.

“We godless lack that certainty, and we know the world is a complex place that requires compromise and is not ruled by a moral force — virtue is subject to negotiation, and is found in working together with others to find mutually satisfactory solutions. Good is not absolute, it is an emergent property that arises from successful networks of individuals. It is also something that is measured by evidence: we look at the good that people do, not the promises that they make and never keep, or the lies that dovetail nicely into dogma. Competence is a virtue. Intent is meaningless without action.” - Myers

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I'm not sure the point of this thread, but its interesting none the less

Don't give it too much thought. It's just a place to stimulate discussion with fresh minds.

I'm surprised to hear some of the responses about people's view of christianity since I'm not sure what is inherently bad about believing in religion, since the things they teach are good for people and society as a whole.

At the core of christianity is having love and forgiveness, and having a relationship with God.

And communism is a great idea on paper. Like communism, religion means well. But like communism, it can be abused. And like communism, there are other ways to accomplish the same goal through other means.

I believe that the values of society are declining and it is because of the mindset that we need to take religion out of all things in society. This country was founded on those principles and people are losing sight of what is really important.

Yes, our country was founded on the idea of freedom, and freedom of religion (among many other things). If you believe your religion has a good plan for moral structure, what if it steps on the toe's of another's belief system? Is that really freedom of religion?

Is the world really falling apart as much as you think it is? Are you sure the sky isn't falling? Wouldn't you agree that society has come a long way over the past century?

Lastly, it's great to try to have some sort of moral structure/game plan. But do we need to involve a higher power in all of that? What if we create Volvospeed's Moral Guide Book, which loosely models the 10 commandments, and everyone must review it yearly and is told to follow it's teachings?

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Don't give it too much thought. It's just a place to stimulate discussion with fresh minds.

And communism is a great idea on paper. Like communism, religion means well. But like communism, it can be abused. And like communism, there are other ways to accomplish the same goal through other means.

Yes, our country was founded on the idea of freedom, and freedom of religion (among many other things). If you believe your religion has a good plan for moral structure, what if it steps on the toe's of another's belief system? Is that really freedom of religion?

Is the world really falling apart as much as you think it is? Are you sure the sky isn't falling? Wouldn't you agree that society has come a long way over the past century?

Lastly, it's great to try to have some sort of moral structure/game plan. But do we need to involve a higher power in all of that? What if we create Volvospeed's Moral Guide Book, which loosely models the 10 commandments, and everyone must review it yearly and is told to follow it's teachings?

COMPLETELY agree with on on the Communism idea on paper. Christianity, as a whole, can be used to make money. I am deeply troubled by the so called "TV Pastors" and how they ask you for money. I'm sure many of you have seen Benny Hinn and all those other blasphemous "Christian leaders" that are on TV. Just that video in itself can dissuade you from seeing the point of Christianity.

ryan850-t5 mentioned that the core of Christianity is love, forgiveness, and having a relationship with God. I agree with you, but another aspect of Christianity is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. Just by loving on those around us, you can show the love of Jesus to everyone :) How much different would the world be where we truly cared about each others feelings and had full respect for not only ourselves for for everyone else? I can't wait till the day Jesus comes back. Gonna be amazing :)

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