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What Do You Think About Christians?


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And communism is a great idea on paper. Like communism, religion means well. But like communism, it can be abused. And like communism, there are other ways to accomplish the same goal through other means.

Yes, our country was founded on the idea of freedom, and freedom of religion (among many other things). If you believe your religion has a good plan for moral structure, what if it steps on the toe's of another's belief system? Is that really freedom of religion?

Is the world really falling apart as much as you think it is? Are you sure the sky isn't falling? Wouldn't you agree that society has come a long way over the past century?

Lastly, it's great to try to have some sort of moral structure/game plan. But do we need to involve a higher power in all of that? What if we create Volvospeed's Moral Guide Book, which loosely models the 10 commandments, and everyone must review it yearly and is told to follow it's teachings?

It sounds like its more that people have a problem with organized religion when their power is abused. I would agree with you that there are churches that miss the meaning of why they are coming together.

I'm not saying that the sky is falling and that the world will end, but the overall direction that society is taking is a downward trend. I mean you can just look at the current generation (which I am a part of) as an example of the direction that we are going in. I would say that the overall respect people have for others is much less than that of my parents, as well as other things like personal responsibility and generosity.

Also freedom of religion means that the government will not regulate people freedom to choose what religion they want to practice however it does not mean that religion cannot be involved in government, even though that distinction has gotten skewed in the past 50 years.

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It sounds like its more that people have a problem with organized religion when their power is abused. I would agree with you that there are churches that miss the meaning of why they are coming together.

I'm not saying that the sky is falling and that the world will end, but the overall direction that society is taking is a downward trend. I mean you can just look at the current generation (which I am a part of) as an example of the direction that we are going in. I would say that the overall respect people have for others is much less than that of my parents, as well as other things like personal responsibility and generosity.

Also freedom of religion means that the government will not regulate people freedom to choose what religion they want to practice however it does not mean that religion cannot be involved in government, even though that distinction has gotten skewed in the past 50 years.

But if your religion says no one can be homosexual, and mine permits it, should we make a law against it?

Disagree about society in a downward trend. See: witch trials for one off-the-cuff example. I think you may be overlooking some of the positives in the past couple hundred years. Religious freedom, goals of racial equality, gender equality, etc.

Based on profile bday's, we're the same age. I want NOTHING to do with most of my generation. On the flip side, people suck so much I want you to earn respect before I give any.

Organized religion when abused, even the patrons of that organization hate. I'm asking why we need god to set a moral code?

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What are the things that you associate with Christians? I have always been curious as to what people think about it.







...that should pretty much cover it.

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Hey, lay off the Irish. And he wasnt holding a Guiness, or fighting.

Now put up a pick with a bomb on Muhammad's head. Bet you dont get a joke about it from a Shiite.

Thats Christianity. taking it on the chin and still having faith. and not taking ourselves too seriously.

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Thats Christianity. taking it on the chin and still having faith. and not taking ourselves too seriously.

When you base your life on something so fantastical and magical it seems straight out of a J.R.R. Tolkien book, you really can't take yourself too seriously. Otherwise, you end up in a mental institution.

Or you start a church and hide under the tax-free protective umbrella of religion. lol. :D

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Alright, a few days ago this thread got moved to political discussions which meant that I couldn't post in my own thread. Talked to Fudge_Brownie about it an now it's back to where I can post in it.

I'm going to assume that this thread was moved because it was off-topic and started getting a little political. Let's try to keep it on the subject on Christianity as much as possible. However, I am not going to discourage topics that are brought up through the discussion.

Seems that L8 APEKS thinks that Christians are something to laugh about. Why do you think this?

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