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Giant Piranha


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I actually have a picture of an alligator garr my dad caught when he was growing up. He had to use 1/2 steel cable on his pole :blink: those things are NASTYYYY

I'll try to scan it in and post it here

I have one, he's 21/2 feet long now. Those goldfish are his daily meal. Its fun getting stoned and watching him eat, its better than discovery channel. Thats only a 125 gallon tank in the pic.




Justin, Birchirs are fcking sweet fish

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does yours snap fish in half yet? My buddy and I go and catch some nice bass, bring them home, and feed them to Gnar Kill. I fed him my gf's hampster once, that was awesome.

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I'm going to have to set my tank back up now. I used to have alot of Cichlids, my Jack Dempsey was my favorite. He got to be about a foot before he passed. I still have him though, he's chillin in the deep freeze, had plans to have him stuffed but that never happened, that was like 2 years ago. :lol:

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I'm going to have to set my tank back up now. I used to have alot of Cichlids, my Jack Dempsey was my favorite. He got to be about a foot before he passed. I still have him though, he's chillin in the deep freeze, had plans to have him stuffed but that never happened, that was like 2 years ago. :lol:

Wonder what you would think if I did that with my cat that died a few years ago :ph34r:

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Another cool fish is the Arawana, Amzonian fish I think. They had a 20 lb one in a tank at my brothers shop. When it ate half the water would be thrown from the tank.

Falcone, please dont feed your gar bass, thats a great sport fish in its own right. Gold fish are cheap, if they are too small you can buy and breed comets, they get to be pretty large to satisfy your fishes appetite. Thats just the sportfisherman in me speaking, take it for what its worth.

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Wonder what you would think if I did that with my cat that died a few years ago :ph34r:

Nothing, people stuff dogs and all kinds of crazy stuff. My friend in highschool had an Iguana that passed and dried it out and reassembled the skeleton on a wood base.

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I'm going to have to set my tank back up now. I used to have alot of Cichlids, my Jack Dempsey was my favorite. He got to be about a foot before he passed. I still have him though, he's chillin in the deep freeze, had plans to have him stuffed but that never happened, that was like 2 years ago. :lol:

I miss my Cichlids. I started with Malawi, mostly Sciaenochromis and Labs. Got tired of them always killing each other. Built a fully planted Discus tank, but they were so stressed by the littlest things like having more than three people in the room or playing music even at a moderate volume. I finished with a pair of Convicts, those were the hardiest fish I've ever had. They could survive in a bottle of bleach and still spawn twice a month. Now my dad's pond is stocked with hundreds upon hundreds of them. :lol:

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OMG I know what you mean. I had 2 covicts and them suckers work together, one would stand guard while the other dug a hole in the gravel, and back and forth take turns. They had my dempsey so stressed that I gave them away, they'd tag team his ass, and he was 10 times their size :lol: . Luckily they waited to spawn til I gave them away, my friend said she never saw a fish multiply so quickly, like gremlins. She was making $$$ on them selling them to pet stores.

I had a couple fire mouthes, but they never really lasted couple months tops, very pretty though.

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Lol, I just took the fry out when they got to be 1/4-1/2" then put them back in a few days later after the parents had forgotten they existed and they gobbled them up.

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