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Giant Piranha


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Falcone, please dont feed your gar bass, thats a great sport fish in its own right. Gold fish are cheap, if they are too small you can buy and breed comets, they get to be pretty large to satisfy your fishes appetite. Thats just the sportfisherman in me speaking, take it for what its worth.

Sorry man, I guess you could say i'm butthurt against sports fishermen. Around here, they snag the longnose gar, reel them in, slit their gills, and toss them back because their a "nucence" fish. To me, their fcking dinosaurs (pretty much the same as they were in the jurassic age) and should be respected in the wild as their numbers are dwindling. There are very few species left from the Jurrasic age, another one being the Bowfin, you probibly know it as the dog fish.

In the wild, the longnose eat bass, sunfish perch ect. Goldfish are sh!tty nutrition, because they are raised by breeders in vast numbers, fed generic fish food, and most are dieseased and have ammonia poisioning from being over crowded. I feed him this all winter as thats all I can get, in the summer, its wild caught fish, and well, bass are everywhere.

The MNR around here are all about stocking bass for game fishermen, and what they don't relise, its fine to a point, but when they exceed the natural population, their completly fcking up the natural ecosystem by introducing these bass, which in turn eat all the local young of the year, and completly fcks everything up. I used to work for Queens University as a diver studying the shorelines around here, and catalogging the species we'd find. So to me, being where I am, I have no problem feeding bass to my gar or piranhas, sorry if it bugs you.

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Sorry man, I guess you could say i'm butthurt against sports fishermen. Around here, they snag the longnose gar, reel them in, slit their gills, and toss them back because their a "nucence" fish. To me, their fcking dinosaurs (pretty much the same as they were in the jurassic age) and should be respected in the wild as their numbers are dwindling. There are very few species left from the Jurrasic age, another one being the Bowfin, you probibly know it as the dog fish.

In the wild, the longnose eat bass, sunfish perch ect. Goldfish are sh!tty nutrition, because they are raised by breeders in vast numbers, fed generic fish food, and most are dieseased and have ammonia poisioning from being over crowded. I feed him this all winter as thats all I can get, in the summer, its wild caught fish, and well, bass are everywhere.

The MNR around here are all about stocking bass for game fishermen, and what they don't relise, its fine to a point, but when they exceed the natural population, their completly fcking up the natural ecosystem by introducing these bass, which in turn eat all the local young of the year, and completly fcks everything up. I used to work for Queens University as a diver studying the shorelines around here, and catalogging the species we'd find. So to me, being where I am, I have no problem feeding bass to my gar or piranhas, sorry if it bugs you.

It doesnt bug me, Canada is fucking up its ecosystem, this does not occur in CT. Actually I appreciate the knowledge you presented. I was suggesting you breed your own. That prevents you from getting sick or poisoned fish. LMB are not native to Canada, so they are an invasive species. Smallies are native on the other hand.

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