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My S70 Got Vandalized


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To all you TB members here, I used to have alot of respect for TB and really liked turbobrickers when I only knew your Canadian members. They were accepting of all, they knew their stuff, and they were real automotive enthusiests. I was always thrilled to see a RWD car at our meets and to chat with people who had the TB outlook on modifying cars.

However after posting on TB and going to some almost exclusively TB meets I've found that the majority of you are intolerant of anyone who doesnt do things exactly the way you do, in fact your downright rude. And on top of that, you treat your cars like stuff, you treat other peoples cars like stuff and you dont really know much about how cars actually work, you just know the list of common mods that TB does. You also spend all your time bashing on VS instead of actually discussing anything productive. Most of VS is accepting and tolerant (within reason), and our forum is mostly constructive until you bring your bad attitudes and pointless babble in here.

Thanks for playing try again. What's the meet you went to? Our Western Meet, Davis Meet, and IPD Garage Sale are very productive.

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This is beginning to turn into the same kind of situation a retarded squirrel finds himself in when he eats some lsd, decides to be a porcupine tank with f-16 rocket boosters up the as$ and jumps off a building, killing three pigeons on the fall down, and landing in a pool of melted marsh mellows only to be suffocated by a molecule of C12H22O11 that just happened to enter up its urethra. Itdoesn't make sense.

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This is beginning to turn into the same kind of situation a retarded squirrel finds himself in when he eats some lsd, decides to be a porcupine tank with f-16 rocket boosters up the as$ and jumps off a building, killing three pigeons on the fall down, and landing in a pool of melted marsh mellows only to be suffocated by a molecule of C12H22O11 that just happened to enter up its urethra. Itdoesn't make sense.


ladies and gentlemen of this supposed jury, I have one final thing I want you to consider. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Chewbacca. Chewbacca is a Wookiee from the planet Kashyyyk. But Chewbacca lives on the planet Endor. Now think about it; that does not make sense!

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Thanks for playing try again. What's the meet you went to? Our Western Meet, Davis Meet, and IPD Garage Sale are very productive.

Was at davis but stayed in the VS section, and also decided not to show up to ipd on purpose. Maybe its just on the forum and the portland crowd then... all I know is the side of it I see, and whenever I show up all I hear is "C70 what a piece of stuff, WWD sucks, go burn it to the ground, HIDZ pegs and R bumpers suck, do the world a favor and total your car." I also hardly ever hear anyone talking about anything technical. Maybe you and the TB members you know are different, if so I hope I run into you at the next big west coast meet, I would like to turn my view of TB around.

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Was at davis but stayed in the VS section, and also decided not to show up to ipd on purpose. Maybe its just on the forum and the portland crowd then... all I know is the side of it I see, and whenever I show up all I hear is "C70 what a piece of stuff, WWD sucks, go burn it to the ground, HIDZ pegs and R bumpers suck, do the world a favor and total your car." I also hardly ever hear anyone talking about anything technical. Maybe you and the TB members you know are different, if so I hope I run into you at the next big west coast meet, I would like to turn my view of TB around.

I love giving VS guys stuff because most things are looks oriented versus performance. There's also an air of better-ness that seems to float around. That being said, a good looking car will always get my attention no matter what it is. But something like that white S60 with curtains at davis, should not be condoned.

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I love giving VS guys stuff because most things are looks oriented versus performance. There's also an air of better-ness that seems to float around. That being said, a good looking car will always get my attention no matter what it is. But something like that white S60 with curtains at davis, should not be condoned.

lol, yeah saw that car, not quite my style... but interesting none the less and if thats what makes the owner happy I say why not. I can see where your coming from though, us VS guys do like things to be clean and have a nice finish no matter what they are or where they are on the car, and I know this is contradictory to the way TB does things. However I feel like there is still more performance/functionality oriented discussion on VS. Again this may be a skewed perspective based on the local TBers. They dont like to fix things the right way, and they have no understanding of the technology behind performance. I do admit I know a FEW TBers who are exceptions to this.

wow, so far off topic from the original post :lol:

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That's a weird place for a piano.

Nominated for Most Random Post in the Most Random thread evar. And +1 for pulling a quote out of Bolt into a Volvo conversation. :tup:

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I love giving VS guys stuff because most things are looks oriented versus performance. There's also an air of better-ness that seems to float around. That being said, a good looking car will always get my attention no matter what it is. But something like that white S60 with curtains at davis, should not be condoned.

So because you don't like VIP style that makes you better then him? :rolleyes: yea...that's not arrogant at all...

Can someone please get a hold of the OP, i'd like to know if bubba has visited him yet :lol:

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Did I say that?

You said it shouldn't be condoned....black people using white drinking fountains weren't condoned either. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that you get to say weather or not it should be allowed/accepted or not. That in itself is arrogant and is my major problem with all TB'ers and a lot of VS'ers. VS'ers are euro snobs and TB'ers are RWD snobs. I'm a car enthusiast and appreciate the automotive lifestyle in all it's forms (Show/Go, VIP/DUB, Road course/Drift, NASCAR/Rally, Ricer/Bosozoku) and it drives me batty to no end when people get this greater then thou attitude about other peoples cars. And I have yet to meet a TB'er that didn't act like their POS zip tie, duct tape and jb weld mobiles weren't gods gift to cars. Funny thing is I have a 740 turbo being held together by all that and I love it, but I love my T5M too. But I never felt like I had license to talk down to anybody else or their cars because we have a common bond as auto enthusiast. I don't understand the snobbery of it all and snobbery and arrogance needs to be called out.

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You said it shouldn't be condoned....black people using white drinking fountains weren't condoned either. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean that you get to say weather or not it should be allowed/accepted or not. That in itself is arrogant and is my major problem with all TB'ers and a lot of VS'ers. VS'ers are euro snobs and TB'ers are RWD snobs. I'm a car enthusiast and appreciate the automotive lifestyle in all it's forms and it drives me batty to no end when people get this greater then thou attitude about other peoples cars. And I have yet to meet a TB'er that didn't act like their POS zip tie, duct tape and jb weld mobiles weren't gods gift to cars. Funny thing is I have a 740 turbo being held together by all that and I love it, but I love my T5M too. But I never felt like I had license to talk down to anybody else or their cars because we have a common bond as auto enthusiast. I don't understand the snobbery of it all and snobbery and arrogance needs to be called out.

You said weather. It's whether.

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