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My S70 Got Vandalized


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I call BS also. There is no way there is that much damage to the car and the cops don't come out to investigate.

I had a car broken into and stuff stolen out of it; cops came to look at the damage and filed a report. Far less damage than on your car. Caught the bastard also. Restitution was paid.

I had a car hit while parked at in my appartment complex. It was Sunday, called the cops and they came out. It took them a while, but they came out, on a Sunday. In that time I had already figured out who did it and where parked their car. Cop confonted the owner and the owner paid for my car to be repaired.

No way the police told you to "mail it in".

Also, no one is stupid enough to steal a car with a smashed windshield. Police see that and you are pulled over instantly. Your story changes constantly depending on what people post here.

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i must say, this is a rather odd thread.

if this happened to my car, i dont think id waste my time posting a thread and pics on VS, id be in the phone with police and the insurance company and trying to locate any witnesses.

strange thread.. <_<

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^^ Exactaly my point!

All he is worried about is what he's going to spend the check on.

He'll get his in the end, karma is a bitch, and now she has his number... He left it in his first post. :lol:

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Also, no one is stupid enough to steal a car with a smashed windshield. Police see that and you are pulled over instantly. Your story changes constantly depending on what people post here.

if this happened to my car, i dont think id waste my time posting a thread and pics on VS, id be in the phone with police and the insurance company and trying to locate any witnesses.

true, I wouldnt bother posting pics on VS, I might post out of frustration for not being able to find who did it, but I wouldnt care about what anyone thought of the damage.

you guys make a good point. I wish this was a "take a guess then I'll tell you the truth" thread so we could know the answer for sure :lol:

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Cops don't email police reports, and they don't take reports by phone. A smashed in car and vandalism is a physical act of violence and a unit is dispatched to the scene. Usually not in a hurry, but a unit is generally out there in an hour or so at most. My old man was a cop for 20 years and I have a lot of friends that are LEO's, none of them think your story is legit. And for the sake of giving you the benefit of the doubt, that's a very targeted attack, not random...nobody believes for a second the type of hostility it takes to bash in every single panel and then to "come back later" to bash it some more is at all random.

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and they don't take reports by phone.

I really think this depends on where you live. I know for a fact its not true for Waterloo regional police in Ontario Canada though. I had an attempted break in on my S70 and a smashed grill on my V70 (I knew who did this one and wanted the cops to come out very badly) and both times they told me they werent going to send anyone because they wouldn't be able to do anything anyways and to just call my insurance with the report number.

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I really think this depends on where you live. I know for a fact its not true for Waterloo regional police in Ontario Canada though. I had an attempted break in on my S70 and a smashed grill on my V70 (I knew who did this one and wanted the cops to come out very badly) and both times they told me they werent going to send anyone because they wouldn't be able to do anything anyways and to just call my insurance with the report number.

Not really trying to bash canada, but that's absolute bull shit. When you call emergency services they don't have an option of not coming. You pay taxes and those taxes pay their salaries. In the US when you dial 911 or contact an emergency service they will arrive, it's only a question of how long it takes for them to get there depending on priority of current emergencies. If dispatch refuses to send a unit, the dispatcher will get in trouble, if a unit refuses to come to the scene, the unit gets in trouble it's as simple as that.

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