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My S70 Got Vandalized


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its usually no police report no insurance claim...

Depends, when my car got in an accident I called the Police and they just said to exchange information and there was no need for a report. So the insurance guy had to come out and inspect my car and inspect the other guys car. It was actually a pain.

When my Miata got the convertible cut I called the Police and they didn't even send anyone. They just had me tell them what happened, how much I believed the damage was and then they gave me a case number...

The Seattle Police department is interesting. I would rather of had an actual police officer come out, would have been a lot easier.

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Well, I know I'm a new guy here, but I've been around the block a few times.

Out of the 5 times in my lifetime I've had to use my insurance, only 1 of them involved an officer coming out, and only then because he had a drunk driver, and had to close a lane of traffic to pull the car out of the median (drunk driver occupied my lane and ran us both off road).

My '96 Mustang Cobra was vandalized in my driveway while I was out with my wife, by an ex-employee I terminated for drug use. The only evidence I had was him bragging about it a few days later, but the police never came to the scene. They filed a report over the phone, mailed it to me, and said call the insurance company.

The 5th time, my wife slid on ice coming out of our long driveway, and managed to somehow ramp a snowbank. It screwed up the fascia and a couple small parts behind it on my SHO. Insurance company at the time (Geico) said since our car was the only casualty, just get the estimates and don't worry about involving police.

The other 2 involved my vehicle and a forest rat (deer). They almost never come to the scene for those anymore.

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The OP is a complete baboon as$ for thinking he could get away with it. He needs some form of education, not the primal squirrel baby one he got. I feel bad for that car, for getting stuck with a moron of an owner.

I hope they neuter the OP when he goes to jail.

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HAhaha, NASIOC checking in. Moron OP should get locked up.

Also turbobrick is a better site for VOlvo stuff. At least they don't call tint a modification.

Oh look a troll.

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Hey OP, are those Volans for sale? I wrecked two Volans aaaages ago and am down to three. I'd love to replace them.

Posting in an epic thread?

He will probably tell insurance different story now that everyone has called him out, I read his first post and new when he was advertising for a replacement car needed and not more truth about what happened. Insurance company will jack rates as whole to cover cost and he will likely get away with it because no one will report him. its sad to see a perfectly good car ruin as well as who rips a whole dash apart to steal a car that was the stupidest line I read.

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That's hilarious it sucks fat cocks that I cant say ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD here without it getting poking censored... stuff... cunts.

Wonder if I can say piss...

huh, i can say cunts, but if I try to say giant panda, i just get giant panda.


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