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My general impression is that Harbaugh pwns Carroll, so until Seattle gets a coach who pays attention to details and, "what happens if the game is close", any real talk of going past the first round is smoke.

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Maybe the next handshake they have in the center of the field maybe somebody will get shanked to solve it all haha

Hahahahaha, I think the Lions coach is preparing for that rematch

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Great running game and a good defense isn't a fluke, I never thought I'd see the 9'ers having a winning season again since I was a kid, sooooo happy. It makes up for the huskies blowing goats

Gore is getting older and will begin to fade. Already seeing it these past couple years with injuries. Secondary is old as well. Youth is the future of this division which lies in the hands of the Rams and Hawks.

Maybe the next handshake they have in the center of the field maybe somebody will get shanked to solve it all haha

I'd smile if Carroll just punches Jim in the face when they meet at midfield in Seattle after the game. Screw a fine, just lay him out.

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Gore is getting older and will begin to fade. Already seeing it these past couple years with injuries. Secondary is old as well. Youth is the future of this division which lies in the hands of the Rams and Hawks.

I'd smile if Carroll just punches Jim in the face when they meet at midfield in Seattle after the game. Screw a fine, just lay him out.

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Youth is the future of this division which lies in the hands of the Rams and Hawks..

Keep telling yourself that.

And I'm predicting that the bronco's are gonna be running the all new/awe-inspiring quadruple option offense, tebow will go 3-12, theyll run for 400 yrds a game, and they'll win the division

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And I'm predicting that the bronco's are gonna be running the all new/awe-inspiring quadruple option offense, tebow will go 3-12, theyll run for 400 yrds a game, and they'll win the division

I'll watch Tebow for the next couple of games, they play the Jets next week

Bears and Patriots back to back in mid December. That ought to put Tebow on injured reserve.

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Brady Quinn must just be f-ing irate! How bad is he playing during the practice week to not get a shot?

You must be joking? Brady Quinn? You forget they also still have Orton, they just chose to go with Tebow. Quinn got his shot a couple years ago and showed he has nothing but the skills to be a 3rd string QB.

I'll watch Tebow for the next couple of games, they play the Jets next week

Bears and Patriots back to back in mid December. That ought to put Tebow on injured reserve.

Tebow will get killed this week against the New York secondary. If he tries to throw it, he will be picked. And that will allow the Jets linebackers to key on that option attack. David Harris should have a field day.

Keep telling yourself that.

And I'm predicting that the bronco's are gonna be running the all new/awe-inspiring quadruple option offense, tebow will go 3-12, theyll run for 400 yrds a game, and they'll win the division

I will because it's true.

Quad-option sounds pretty but once defenses figure it out, it will suck. Just like the Wildcat. It was great when it first came out and defenses were in shock and awe but now defenses know how to stop it so very few teams run it anymore. Same will go with Denver.

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I'm running Quinn before tebow after next weeks loss. Orton won't start again cause everybody in Denver hates him

They should play them at the same time, dueling qb's, that would really throw off a defense for a week

I will continue to hate tebow unless he successfully runs a statue of liberty play, maybe then I'll turn around, doubtful though

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Ok, I know who you are now, no disrespect bro........lens15423101_1293583925seahawks_sticker.


Juuuuust to let you know, I have my own sports radio talk show. You should listen in sometime. Saturdays from 2-4 on kspu.org. Then you'll see I actually know what I'm talking about.

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Ok...sure , sorry.....cant...stop...laughing......

I already miss your attitude dearly hahaha and I was laughing more at the fact you got called a bro.

Pick a team in the last ten years that has won due to youth. Not the steelers, not the colts, not the pats, maybe the giants and saints borderline on youth but not really. Not the packers either cause most of their core team is old as hell

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