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That's pretty cool. Hadn't heard of that before.

Being arrogant and cocky will only get you so far in life ;)

I'm cocky and arrogant with sports knowledge but with everything else in life, I know nothing haha.

Regarding the marriage thing, that's so dumb. I go to SPU (a very Christian university) and hear this kind of religious viewpoint on marriage all the time. Sickens me.

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You do realize in the two pages of you "Dropping" sports knowledge on us all you have had no stats to back anything up, just opinions and predictions of mediocre teams making the superbowl in 5years

And the best, the BEST sportscasters out there are the best because they are not arrogant and cocky in their delivery, take a hint from them

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No respect. And actually it does take some cockiness and arrogance to make it to the top. That's the way the world works. If you don't have the belief that you are better than those around you (in going for the same career) then you won't make it. Stats are exactly that, numbers. It's easy to list off numbers. True knowledge of sports comes from understanding those numbers. "We can't just list off stats because that means nothing. It's about interpreting those stats and making meaning of them." -Rick Rizzs. That's a direct quote from the job shadow I did of him last summer.

Don't tell me Sportscenter anchors didn't get to be where they are without being confident and likely a little arrogant at some point early in their career.

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Stats are exactly that, numbers. It's easy to list off numbers. True knowledge of sports comes from understanding those numbers. "We can't just list off stats because that means nothing. It's about interpreting those stats and making meaning of them." -Rick Rizzs.

Stats are important for backing up statements like you have made in this thread, if you can't back them up with your "Understanding/interpretation" of said stats then why would your point/argument/prediction mean 2 Sh*ts to anybody listening to you?

And don't pull out the Respect card like your some big deal, that's bush league

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Because if I listed a whole hell of a lot of stats I would've heard "Those are just numbers, they mean nothing" from everyone like I usually do.

And the fact that you're hating on me for no reason on a f'in Volvo thread is bush league in itself. Isn't this supposed to be about cars? I just mentioned some sports stuff and then when I get attacked that everything I'm saying is totally wrong, I have to defend myself. You want to argue this stuff, send me an email. But this thread is not meant for arguing over this petty crap.

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Isn't this supposed to be about cars?


Regarding your sports opinions. You don't like to be disagreed with. We just agree to disagree,

It wouldn't continue if you didnt lay down a new challenge with every response.

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Somebody doesn't take criticism very well? I'm not attacking you or hating on you, I asked you to back up what you said, and you didn't. And when you throw out term like "He'll destroy you" it's game on as far as I'm concerned to call you out on all things that we see fault in

This thread was created (by me mind you) as a chat thread for all us NW peeps, it's made as a thread for discussion about anything, so if it's talking about how a sports guy is starting to get posed off, then we shall talk about that sports guy starting to get pissed off

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I can see this going nowhere but bad so.......Chuck the coupe get all fixed up?

I agree, the C70's looking really good, Got the hood re-done, new bumper etc. They didn't blend the new paint between the new fender and the kick panel under the drivers door. They blended the door beautifully.

I took it in today, very good shop, they agreed to blend the kick panel and give me a loaner car for the day and a half it would take to finish.

I will probably do a project post on the removable license plate bracket. That came out great, (I'm a little scared to test it at 100+ though, Rye thinks its will be OK though.)

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Regarding your sports opinions. You don't like to be disagreed with. We just agree to disagree,

It wouldn't continue if you didnt lay down a new challenge with every response. Just old guys messing around.

Fair enough.

Somebody doesn't take criticism very well? I'm not attacking you or hating on you, I asked you to back up what you said, and you didn't. And when you throw out term like "He'll destroy you" it's game on as far as I'm concerned to call you out on all things that we see fault in

This thread was created (by me mind you) as a chat thread for all us NW peeps, it's made as a thread for discussion about anything, so if it's talking about how a sports guy is starting to get posed off, then we shall talk about that sports guy starting to get pissed off

No I don't take it well. Never have and likely never will. I'll back up anything you put in front of me and if I did not back up what you wanted me to here, I suppose that is my fault.

Like you say, this is going nowhere. So if you want to talk about sports with me I will give you my opinions and back them up. And I will challenge your opinions if I believe they are wrong. But I will not criticize and attack you as you have done me.

Now back to the f'in cars.

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I want evidence of such character attacks that I apparently caused

And I would never talk down to other people cause I thought I had a great grasp of knowledge about a topic like you have done to us;)

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Hi guys! What's goin on over here? LOL. I'm so stoked for Thanksgiving. Food coma and football here I come.


PS, I really want RWD iPd trophy this year. Do I

A: just have Danny make an extra one for me to take home

B: pay for votes

C: bust Nathan's kneecaps a couple days before the show


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