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That's right I forgot your not drooling over pornstar tenants anymore

I'm so glad I'm not an uncle, I'd be a terrible influence at this stage of my life hahahahaha

Now I get Boeing 10s. Which are like a 5 in the real world. But the old timers love em.

Interviewing today at 1 for a promotion .

Voting ext week on a new contract that should pass and get us all a nice ratification bonus that might become my engine fund start up

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Yes, a Yugo. :P

yeah cause that wont have the more issues than a 240 hahahaha

Now I get Boeing 10s. Which are like a 5 in the real world. But the old timers love em.

hahahaha, just call the Boeing Boms

well good luck on the promotion!!

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To achieve that dope tuck sh*t look, you gotta grab that baseball bat son, in fact go grab your dads autographed bat I'm sure he's got somewhere, and roll the shizz out of those fenders, hint if you can open your rear doors, they ain't rolled enough booyyyeee!! Fawk that replica wheel game, you've gotta blow all your mad cash on that bankrupt bbs company hotness. Oh sh*t I almost forgot stickers, you gotta sticker the sh*t out of your rear window, like your a five year old girl all hopped up on skittles go mad with it, oh and do some of those crooked stickers, cause you want people to know your apart of that mad hellaflush/fatlace/dopeshizz game, get them so crooked that only a confused looking asian kid will be able to read them! Find your tow hook covers, attach carabiners to them and the go to a bowling alley! Now that your at the bowling alley, you know those crane prize machines that you can win stuffed animals, drop some mad coin into that shizz until you win some cute gay little Asian pedophile stuffed animal doll thing, now go outside and attach it to your carabiners, this shows your mad feminine side which attracts those mad biatches and ho's!!! Now that you got some biatches to get into your tight low riding hellaflush whip, you gotta make sure it smells like hellaflush!! Three word brah, Peachy Peach airfresheners, brah you will get soooo much tail if your car smells like bro, it's awesome!! Now you can take your new hellaflush girlfriend (how always looks like she's about to cry and has a bunch of unfinished tattoos) to go get bubble tea on Friday nights!!! Cause the dope bubble tea joint attracts those mad herrafrush enthusiasts, then you can walk around in the parking lot sticking your fingers into fender gaps and telling people that the other guys stance is hella weak.

To be continued.........

HAHAHAHA - too true.

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