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I think the thing to remember is that those syrups aren't just for drinks. They can be used in baking and general cooking too. Trixie loves bacon salt on her popcorn, and I know chocolate covered bacon is good, so maybe baco-chocolate muffins or bacon kettle corn? Just sayin.


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Seriously??? Does this thing have enough lights on it? Looks like the freakin batmobile.

A couple on top would finish it out nicely I think.

I know, I'd totally prefer a petite lap giraffe


Good luck with that... I have been on the waiting list forever for one of those.

In regards to the horse comment... I grew up with horses and I can tell you there is no good reason to own them. They are awful creatures

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I think the thing to remember is that those syrups aren't just for drinks. They can be used in baking and general cooking too. Trixie loves bacon salt on her popcorn, and I know chocolate covered bacon is good, so maybe baco-chocolate muffins or bacon kettle corn? Just sayin.


Hey sally sass alot what's up?? Hahaha. I was more talking about how it's th new "in thing" to have bacon flavored drinks on every bar menu around now

And btw am I the only one who thinks 458's are ugly?

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All Ferraris have always been ugly. In fact, I've never been a fan of "high-end" Italian sports cars at all. They all look like they were designed by a bunch of 8 year old kids. An Italian sports car is what you buy if you had a honda with a body kit, ironing board wing, and 14 inch "rims" then somehow got rich. Give me a real car like a Porsche or an Aston.

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