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Warm Home For 20 Year Old


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What do you mean you "stood up" to them?

I'm just trying to get my head around what is going on here.

Not sure who I'm siding with..

I was tired of putting up with their crap.

They would shut off the internet at 11 PM so I "wouldn't stay up late"

They would check ALL of my cell phone records and would get pissed if I was on the phone after 11 PM

They would constantly remind me to do things

I felt like I was 12, so I told 'em I had had it with that

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I was tired of putting up with their crap.

They would shut off the internet at 11 PM so I "wouldn't stay up late"

They would check ALL of my cell phone records and would get pissed if I was on the phone after 11 PM

They would constantly remind me to do things

I felt like I was 12, so I told 'em I had had it with that

what kinda stuff? If your living with your parents and its stuff like "clean up after yourself" then i think thats very acceptable and to be expected. the other two are just innapropriate for someone your age though imo

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what kinda stuff? If your living with your parents and its stuff like "clean up after yourself" then i think thats very acceptable and to be expected. the other two are just innapropriate for someone your age though imo

Don't forget to pick up your dishes, don't stay up too late, don't spend too much money, don't forget to put away your tools....

I could go on for pages and pages <_<

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how old are you?

I got kicked out of my parents house when i was 20 for a good cause , now im 28 im glad they kicked me out. Im in the process of moving\relocating this week , Im renting 2 apts at this moment. Im doing what i gotta do on my own. I even got offered to move back to parents house for FREE. I refused. Life it actually better on your own.

But for now , goodluck on your new road. Things will be brighter if you make it happen! But trust me nothing is EASY , and you're not the only one on the hell boat.

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My basement, Kevtronomania, TomPeriod, Johnny GitSome and Da Greek. $1000 a month. Cable and wifi!

I'm spilling the beans JB. This has the potential to get flamey. B)

All these guys are good students, decent kids, college bound.

Their parents dont think thats enough. They wish to micromanage their lives.

Plus their all men, not children.

But these are exceptional times, its hard making enough money to pay bills and go to school, and have a life.

They want nothing more than to start their lives solo.

I have 2 sons their ages, so I know how it is. And my dynamic duo do OK. They perform like these guys do, mostly, so I leave them the fuck alone. I pry to keep an eye on 'em, advising and consenting, but they know what is expected of them to stay here.

What more can you ask for as a parent? Good student, good citizen, part time job, takes out the garbage, walks the dog, has a plan for the future. AS far as I'm concerned you did a damn good job as a parent. Helping out for 2-3 more years would be the final investment in a child.

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I was tired of putting up with their crap.

They would shut off the internet at 11 PM so I "wouldn't stay up late"

They would check ALL of my cell phone records and would get pissed if I was on the phone after 11 PM

They would constantly remind me to do things

I felt like I was 12, so I told 'em I had had it with that

Dude, that sucks.

My parents love that I'm still living with them.

We all get along pretty well, even my two younger brothers.

Although, my parents are nowhere near as overbearing as your parents seemed to have been.

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Don't forget to pick up your dishes, don't stay up too late, don't spend too much money, don't forget to put away your tools....

I could go on for pages and pages <_<

lol, part of the reason I dont live with my parents. Not that they dont have a right to be like that, it is their house and their dishes etc... I just have a different life style than them and we get along better when I'm not living with them.

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I was tired of putting up with their crap.

They would shut off the internet at 11 PM so I "wouldn't stay up late"

They would check ALL of my cell phone records and would get pissed if I was on the phone after 11 PM

They would constantly remind me to do things

I felt like I was 12, so I told 'em I had had it with that

Sorry to hear. When they are paying all the bills they kind of have all the say. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and look at the big picture. Be willing to suck up and admit when your wrong. As much as we think we know whats best sometimes our parents actually do know whats best. Sounds like your going to need to take a good look at your life and buckle down or accept the fact that your parents do have a point.

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Sorry to hear. When they are paying all the bills they kind of have all the say. Sometimes you just need to take a step back and look at the big picture. Be willing to suck up and admit when your wrong. As much as we think we know whats best sometimes our parents actually do know whats best. Sounds like your going to need to take a good look at your life and buckle down or accept the fact that your parents do have a point.

Oh I did and I didn't like what I saw :lol:

either way I am finally free from my parents so I can learn how to run my own life

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