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Lumpy Idle


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I drove my T5-R about a week ago, to the store. It was the first time leaving that day and the engine was cold. I noticed a lumpy idle immediately, almost a surging while stopped at the first stop sign in my neighborhood. I continued to the store and drove home. The lumpy idle persisted for the entire ride. I started checking for any type of obvious signs around the engine. I noticed the distributer cap to be cracked, and realized I couldn't remember when I did a tune-up on my car, so I ordered all of the parts I'd need.

I finished the tune-up and replaced all vacuum lines in the engine bay. I started the car and noticed the idle to rise to 2,000 RPM immediately and settle down after about five seconds. I got in the car for a drive, and noticed immediately the lumpy idle. I continued on with my drive to get the car to operating temp. Once there, I noticed a great effect of the work done off-idle and power wise, but still the lumpy idle. On the way home, I noticed the lumpy idle was intermittent and only occurred at ~7 of 10 stops. I checked codes once I made it home, and found these codes present:

121 514 241

During diagnostics, I tried unplugging different components to check and see if it made a difference. an obvious difference was noticed after each component (one being MAF - assuming this is where that code came from).

You may remember back to this thread:


One day about four months ago, I pulled in to my drive way and noticed the fan was running on the car. Ever since then, it's been running perfectly. After performing the work above, the fan no longer operates. Thinking something like an open in wire/connector...

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Noticed today:

If I cruise up to a stop like I would in an every-day scenario, the idle is always erratic. Vacuum on the factory gauge shows very low, less than 1mm in to black

If I'm hard on the car and cut the throttle abruptly the car will always idle clean and vacuum will look good on the factory gauge.

I noticed as well, that the power brakes are intermittent, seeming to coincide with the rough idle periods.

Somebody out there has got to know about this

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As of now, EGR is disabled, and car is back to how it should be... but better.

Autolite 3924 with 5 years and +.060" gap < NGK V-Power Cu .028"

Cracked distributor < new dizzy + rotor

old brittle, leaking vacuum lines on TCV < new vacuum all around

...Now, for what it seems, this is my fastest 850, also my guinea pig. Whatever I do or what ever goes wrong on the black one gets done to the yellow at the same time. Like ordering two of every part. B)

Guess I'm going to eventually remove EGR all together since it's not needed for my emissions here.

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