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My 850 Hates Me :(


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Yesterday I went over to iPD to pick up a K&N Filter, iPD spark plug wires, Bocsh distributor cap and rotor, and Bosch plat plugs. Lucky showed me around and took me for a spin in the Flash Green Stage III V70R. E-brake FTW :tup:

Anyways, as I was heading back up 205 towards Portland I put it in 3rd so I could pass a retard going 45 on the highway. Then I heard a "thunk-crunch" noise from under my hood, and my car lost all power. My oil light came on and I instantly turned my car off and pulled off the highway. I popped the hood and white smoke was coming out of my air intake hose and I opened up my air hob and there was a ton of white smoke coming out. My dipstick tube was smoking as well. Oil levels are good. Serp belt is present and good. I didn't get a chance to look at the timing belt before I had it towed and I have not been around the car for the last 12 hours or so.

I'm going to call up Lucky and see if he would be interested in helping be out since he lives no more than 10 mins from me. My buddy Eli is heading over to help me out at some point after he gets off work today from the local Volvo dealer (gotta love having Volvo techs as your friends)

Obviously, if I snapped my timing belt I am going to need a new head. I am also considering doing an turbo engine swap but I want to know what I should realistically expect in parts for the instal.

If I cannot afford to fix the 850, its getting parted. Transmission has already been spoken for.

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white smoke from the airbox sounds bad. I've never snapped a belt, but when a buddy snapped his 960's, the engine just dies, no smoke or oil light. I popped his cover (wondered why it wouldn't start, dumbass cost himself a new head) and it was wrapped around both cams at least twice.

We went and pulled a jy head, and took the jy head and the one with the bent valves and cracked slides to a machine shop. The valves were swapped, same with the guides (heat and cool to get them out) and put back together. Total around 400 bux. That being said, you can get a turbo motor for around that, which personally, is what i would do. If your belt snapped, everything inside it is fawked, and your pistons might be super scored. Pop the cover and report back

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I always caution to replacing only valves (top end) when collision occurs. If it were my car, anything that hit would be replaced, including pistons. I have removed cast pistons that hit valves and under close inspection noted several spider web-like cracks along the bottoms of the pistons. At that point I only imagine what would happen when a piston with these 'injuries' is shattered due to compression.

Like the others said, buy a new engine, and put a new belt on it.

As well, I've repaired broken timing belts (with new engines), and never noticed any sort of smoke.

Usually, just the immediate loss of power and oil light.

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I have ever heard of the smoke that you are having either, which could be a good thing. You may have lucked out and the engine is still good. Maybe it is just a blown head gasket or something, that would not be so bad.

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Did they tell you why the piston went? Car probably ran lean on that cylinder.

All I know is that piston #1 and the rod ain't there anymore.

On a side note, what is your return policy? I have a bunch of parts that I am going to need to return to you guys

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Did they tell you why the piston went? Car probably ran lean on that cylinder.

uhoh :( i'm getting P0171 every like 600km i just delete and move on, shietttt thats bad isnt it? :(

sorry for stealing the thread!

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The #1 piston and rod maybe damaged, but they are still in the motor ( maybe piston in pieces ). Have the head and oil pan been pulled to see what damage is there? In most cases it is repairable.

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