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Holy Speed Trap Batman

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17:55:40 Majparadox 

Fuck ohio http://www.cnn.com/2010/CRIME/06/03/ohio.spotting.speeders.ruling/index.html?hpt=Sbin

17:55:52 aldend123 


17:55:57 aldend123 

agreed, fuck that

17:56:06 aldend123 

they too cheap to buy a damn radar gun?

17:56:40 aldend123 

maybe for "wreckless driving", but no speeding tickets

17:56:59 Majparadox 

How long before someone on VS gets popped

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This isn't new to me...

A friend of mine was ticketed for "excessive speed" based on an officers visual observation who drove past him in the opposite direction. He was only going 10-15mph over the posted limit. The ticket didn't have an actual speed, just said "excessive speed."

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This isn't new to me...

A friend of mine was ticketed for "excessive speed" based on an officers visual perception who drove past him in the opposite direction. He was only going 10-15mph over the posted limit. The ticket didn't have an actual speed, just said "excessive speed."

excessive is one thing, but this is effectively saying the officer can estimate 70 in a 60 and nail your ass FOR 70 period, like he's a fuckin radar gun on two feet. Damn, makes my blood boil when we lose rights.

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excessive is one thing, but this is effectively saying the officer can estimate 70 in a 60 and nail your ass FOR 70 period, like he's a fuckin radar gun on two feet. Damn, makes my blood boil when we lose rights.

Agreed. But I didn't get that from the article (I'm in class so I skimmed it real quick). If what you're saying is the law then that's bullshit.

The article talked about a visual observation being enough to convict the motorist of speeding. If it's just a speeding conviction, fine. But if you are ticketed for an actual speed, that's horseshit.

I'm surprised the lawyer isn't appealing. I think it would be fairly easy to prove that an officer's visual estimation of speed is FAR from accurate. They could test 10 officer's estimations against radar guns, and I bet all of them would be off by a lot.

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Wait are all you fucking noobs ?

Obviously .

This has been leagal for a long time

And adam your 100% wrong .

All cops are trained to be able to be with in 2mph of a radar gun .

Trust me for the little bit I have done traning wise and classes and such I can be with in 3mph if not close.

I have done two ride alongs and both officers I was with were in 1mph of the radar gun .

This is nothing new in PA at all, I have gotten this type of ticket twice and I will tell you right now some of these guys are more acturate then the radar gun , mainly due to not having to be checked yearly.

So again nothing new nothing amazing , and get over it since you wont get out of the ticket.

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if you want to be a dumb fuck go here


obviously every fucking idiot posts there.

sit its doubtfully a smart one of those fucking idiots

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