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Trouble With Antenna Mast Replacement. I Read Bay 13


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So i reviewed the bay 13 info and my motor is fine, I got the old broken mast out of the hole, white gear plastic thingie completely intact. I get the gears on the mast to catch on the gears of the motor (ears forward), and it pulls about 1 inch in and stops. if i turn radio back on it releases and when i try again, same thing. i know its catching cause when i pull it back out SLOWLY, i feel the motor turning. Also if i DONT catch the mast on the motor it keeps running and running so i know its functional. The old mast came out in its entirety and was working before i replaced it, the mast has just broke was all.

Am i doing this right? its pissing me off that when it catches it doesnt keep running and pulling the mast ALL the way in, only a couple inches.


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I would pull the mast out, IIRC you can separate the housing so you can see inside the gear casing that grabs the antenna plastic.

I did this quite a few years ago and had your issue. There was a piece stuck down inside that was easily removable once I took the housing apart.

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My antenna mast gave me a really hard time too.

Make sure there aren any broken pieces from the old mast.

If that's good, you're gonna have to keep trying to put the mast in...u need someone to turn on/off radio while you play with it.

It will EVENTUALLY catch.

When I tried to do it, it wasn't going so I said flip it and left it. I ended up coming back to it like a year later lol.

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