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00 V70R Excessive Cranking Before Starting


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so my buddy just got a 2000 v70r and in order for it to start quicker he was told to leave the hey on the II position for a few seconds to let fuel pressure build up or it cranks and cranks before starting. Even when doing this it still takes longer then it should. The PO said it was just the fuel pressure regulator. Any ideas? How can i diagnose this? Just dont wanna throw money at it and have it not work.

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You're not the only one, this happens to a good amount. Tom. is the first name that comes to mind, he has the exact same car too.

whats his username? or is it tom? lol

I have it too. JRL told me what it could be, can't recall at the moment. I'll have to dig around to find it.

That would be great thanks

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whats his username? or is it tom? lol

That would be great thanks

yeah its me :lol: lets see... firepuma (grant) has the issue theres another kid with a 99 glt around me that has the same issue. so it seems pretty common. cars never left me stranded tho it always does start just take a while...

i believe its grant who told me that it has somthing to do with the fuel delivery... i forget exactly what he said. but then greekone said he talked to a tech about it a while back and according to the tech its somthing with the wiring harness :blink:

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yeah its me :lol: lets see... firepuma (grant) has the issue theres another kid with a 99 glt around me that has the same issue. so it seems pretty common. cars never left me stranded tho it always does start just take a while...

i believe its grant who told me that it has somthing to do with the fuel delivery... i forget exactly what he said. but then greekone said he talked to a tech about it a while back and according to the tech its somthing with the wiring harness :blink:

alright cool. so it could be some sort of grounding issue as mentioned earlier. I wanna do a fuel pressure test to his car to make sure thats ok and it is indeed another issue

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is it intermittently excessive cranking or does it happen all the time? JRL's advice was that the check valve inside the fuel tank that maintains fuel pressure was bad and that he knew of a check valve that could be installed outside of the tank.

my '00XC had sporadic long cranks which was cured by a new camshaft position sensor. before the new sensor, it'd take over 10 seconds to start the car every now and then. it hasn't happened since the new camshaft sensor but my car was also throwing a code related to the sensor at the time. YMMV

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I think we might need clarification here.

Is this an intermitent problem where occasionally it cranks for a long time (ie 5 seconds) before finally starting, and other times works just fine?

Or is this a slow start all the time, and it's not that much longer, maybe 1 second longer than most cars?

Because if it's only sometimes longer, and much much longer than usual, I think I can safely say my comment about the grounds isn't very valuable.

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Well my issue is all the time if put the key in crack it, it won't start, just cranks. You don't hear the pump prime. But if I let it sit a postion 1 for a second, I hear the pump prime and it fires right up. I think it's the check valve. I've had this issue for 2+ years so I've gotten used to it. Just let it sit at position 1 til it primes. I can't remember how to change the valve but if it's in the tank on the AWDs it a PITA! So I'll live with it till the pump takes a sh!t.

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I've had this as well in my 99R. Sometimes cranks immediately, sometimes takes up to 10 seconds. Although I recall reading in the owners manual that turbo cars can take up to 10 seconds to start, so I don't think its a problem but an inherent design flaw somewhere. Mine also cranks more eagerly when the fuel pump is primed. I don't believe the ME7 cars have an FPR, but rather a fuel pulse dampener, could be leaking down pressure the longer it sits.

If you're making constant stop and go trips does it crank? or is it only when it sits for a while?

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I know this car personally and know first hand what it does... No matter if youve driven the car for 5 min or 5 hr, every time you go to restart the car it cranks for 10-15 sec before its starts. And it sounds like a fuel problem because right before it starts the engine stumbles like its just bearly getting enough fuel to fire. If you turn the key to position 2 and wait for the pump to turn off, turn the key back to position 0, then try to start it, it will start right up like normal... Not sure if its a drain back valve? fuel pump? etc.. Havent run across this problem before on a me7 car...

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I have a 2000V70R as well, and have this same problem. after long stops car fires right up, but after short trips it cranks and cranks before catching, and when it does, it catches rough, stubles for a sec then smoooths out. I recently noticed holding key in 2nd position for a bit first helps a lot.

I know im not addding help here, but those are my similarities

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