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Think Before You Speak


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i dont know exactly how to break into this subject because there are so many different levels of how you could approach this. i can understand the reason behind this website. it tries to prevent bullying and harassment that leads to things like this:


there is a big difference between teasing and bullying. im sure we have ALL been on both sides of the situation so we know exactly how it feels to be the oppressor and and the oppressed. i think the reason this kind of thing continues to happen is because people dont know when to stop. when oppressors oppress, there is a sense of power that they get, like an adrenaline rush, and it feels good, so they continue to do it over and over. that kind of thing, when used in certain conditions and over a period of time causes those who have been harassed and tormented to fear those aggressors so much that they end up taking their lives over it.

saying "thats so gay" is demeaning to those who find it offensive. this article summarizes the suicide of an 11 year old because he was tormented in school for even an accusation of being a "faggot".

part of the intro on that article sums it up pretty well:

I had a friend who used to counsel LGBT teenagers who were bullied and harassed because of their sexual orientation. We can minimize how a dumb taunt like “That’s so gay” it affects us as adults because our hides are a little thicker.

We brush it off as something dumb and ignorant and keep on steppin’.

What happens when your hide isn’t so thick and “That’s so gay” evolves into “dyke” and “faggot” and “punk’ and worse—much worse? Imagine what it’s like to go through the hell that high school can be and you’re hearing those words every damn day.

How would you deal with it?

the article, if you care to read it:


i speak out for this stuff so much is because i had a friend who committed suicide from months and years of harrassment and nothing was done about it. so the next time you say that stuff, realize how much it actually digs into someone's brain. you wouldnt want to have the guilt of someone taking their own life, would you?

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i speak out for this stuff so much is because i had a friend who committed suicide from months and years of harrassment and nothing was done about it. so the next time you say that stuff, realize how much it actually digs into someone's brain. you wouldnt want to have the guilt of someone taking their own life, would you?

I understand what you are saying, and I truly mean no offense to you you, but the cause of someone's death cannot be bullying. The dictionary defines suicide "a person who intentionally takes his or her own life." Suicide is a choice that someone makes. Harassment can cause someone to begin to think suicidal thoughts, but in reality it all comes down to the person and what they want to do.

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I understand what you are saying, and I truly mean no offense to you you, but the cause of someone's death cannot be bullying. The dictionary defines suicide "a person who intentionally takes his or her own life." Suicide is a choice that someone makes. Harassment can cause someone to begin to think suicidal thoughts, but in reality it all comes down to the person and what they want to do.

True. in school when I went up to a kid and called them a bitch or some other name, they would call me names back, then we would fight about it but we didn't kill ourselves. Kids these days are quitting too easy. 

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